Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri
Are you ready to unlock your true hidden power and create the life you desire? Do you want to explore the mysteries of consciousness, and ancient wisdom to address the pressing political issues of our time?
Join me, Clayton Cuteri, on Traveling To Consciousness, where we engage in profound and honest conversations about harnessing your inner power to manifest your divine human experience and bring about meaningful change. With a commitment to fixing corruption through spirituality, we delve into solo reflections and long-form interviews with inspiring spiritual and political thought leaders: no filters, no scripts, no limits.
Just real talk and real transformation. Traveling To Consciousness: the podcast that empowers you to discover the true power within and use it to create a better world.
Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri
Indigo Education: Temples and Sacred Energy Centers | Ep 318
In this episode, Clayton Cuteri delves into emphasizing the significance of sacred spaces and energy centers. He discusses the need for beautification of our surroundings to inspire internal elevation and highlights historical patterns of destruction in civilizations. The conversation also touches on the importance of creating temples that honor the divine, reimagining spiritual symbols, and healing energy centers on Earth through architecture. Ultimately, Clayton advocates for purifying our environments to foster spiritual growth and unity.
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00:00 - Intro
01:02 - The Importance of Sacred Spaces
05:14 - Elevating Internal and External Worlds
09:24 - Historical Patterns of Destruction and Creation
10:47 - Creating Temples that Honor the Divine
12:25 - Reimagining Jesus and Spiritual Symbols
14:44 - Healing Energy Centers on Earth
19:11 - The Role of Architecture in Spirituality
22:25 - Purifying Our Surroundings for Spiritual Growth
Intro/Outro Music Producer: Don Kin
IG: https://www.instagram.com/donkinmusic/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/44QKqKsd81oJEBKffwdFfP
Super grateful for this guy ^
Master Link: HERE
FREE 999 Meditation Challenge: Sign Up Here
consciousness, exploring spiritual journeys to find answers in uncertainty. What is up conscious monkeys. Welcome back to another episode of traveling to consciousness. As always, I'm your host Clay and QT Harry. And as always, we're going to be giving you some great knowledge in this podcast and honestly knowledge I've been sitting on for a little bit and for good reason, because it's very fascinating knowledge, very fascinating knowledge and the more I've started looking at the world with this lens on the more it started to make sense. And not only that, but I've seen teachings across many different disciplines that basically echo this same sediment. So in this podcast, we are talking about temples, sacred energy centers, and the works. So let's talk about it. There are a lot of different angles in which we can approach this issue. I guess I this this idea resonated with me so much that I actually started my own 3d modeling company around it. It's kind of like an architecture and architecture business, if you will. Not specifically architecture, because I believe there's some legal stuff that comes with it. But but basically the beautification of this world and of planet Earth from a physical layer. Now, I know we talk a lot about Ascension, especially in the spiritual, the spiritual matrix, if you will, it's all about Ascension and the astral and becoming more elevated and raising your frequency. And, and don't get me wrong. All that is a hundred percent legit, a hundred percent legit. Of course there are some teachings out there that are going to help you more than others, but, it's all legit. That, that core fundamental thing is legit. The piece that gets left out in modern spirituality is this 3d physical world. So what am I talking about whenever I talk about this 3d physical world? Well, we're talking about the energy centers. We're talking about the physical construction of this world. And I really started to notice this before, before we get into the actual knowledge of what's going on. I started to notice this whenever I would walk around Pittsburgh, really, you can do this in almost any city in America, but Pittsburgh, you can do it in New York, LA. and the energy that the buildings give off. Is not that of inspiration or of hope or of beauty or of mysticism. It just doesn't have that same pop anymore. The buildings in Pittsburgh that I love to look at are ones that are built in like the early 1900s, 1920s, 1930s. And since then, since maybe the nineties, buildings have just become square blocks, very bland. There's no soul in it. There's no heart. There's no mysticism. It's all based in and with the 3D. The program is is like, well, it's about money. You know, you just build something, make it efficient. You have the cubes. You can put people in cubes, ba ba ba ba ba. But from a spiritual level, what's occurring is, is that it is destroying our spirit. Now let me get into this. This is I understand what's This might sound pretty crazy, but look at buildings. Next time you're looking at a building and think to yourself, you can probably even think right now, does this inspire the spirit within me? That divine spark of God, that divine spark of nature, is it, is it inherent in this building or does this building just make me feel blah? Does it just make me feel eh, like, And the unfortunate truth is, that more frequently than not, you're going to feel the ladder. And so just from a very shallow level, we have to start beautifying the world around us in order to inspire our internal world as well. And it needs to be created from the inside. You know, we can't just go and attack these things with tools and force. We have to be inspired from inside ourselves. So this is where that elevation comes in, right? You elevate yourself internally, and then you can change that external world to mirror that internal beauty that you have cultivated within yourself. And so what, where this keeps going deeper, cause there's many layers to this and I keep unpacking more layers myself and I guys, you guys stick with me here. I know this is going to sound crazy, but stick with me on these, on this one. If you look around, I recently saw a video and maybe I should pull it up. There's like this portal object in Detroit where it's like a giant circle. and around it are a bunch of very demonic. demonic kind of like figures. And I'm trying to find out what it's called. It's a giant ring. honestly looks like a star gate. And it's literally called transcending. It's called transcending. And it's literally looks like a stargate surrounded by demonic pillars. And so what we have here is one of these energy centers. We have them creating kind of like this gateway, this portal. It's literally a portal. If you look at it now, if you're looking at it, you can see it 3d and astral that it's literally a portal to pull in these energies, these quite frankly, demonic energies. another example, if you look up, I don't know exactly how to type this in, but I'm going to try to look this up with you. But there's like a Pope, the room the Pope sits in. I'm going just type in demons because behind them is this entire iron thing. It's creepy sculpture. Yeah. I'm not sure exactly how to type it in, but if you type in like creepy sculpture, let's see your Vatican snake room, demonic Pope throne. You can type that in and you'll see behind them. There's what appears to be like a fallen angel. surrounded by a bunch of energies, faces, maybe people that are not happy. It's huge. It's monolithic. So what they are doing is they're manipulating. this physical world. to invite in more of that spiritual energy. They're, destroying the, the energy grid on a, the world. And, don't even look at this as the world. You can look at it as your own body. What happens whenever you destroy your own internal energy centers, right? You can look at this in terms of the chakras, the roots, the sacral. The heart, the third eye, all of them, there's seven, at least in the physical body. And then I don't know about the rest, but the point that I'm trying to get at here is that whenever you destroy the energy centers within yourself, you don't, you can't elevate, right? You, you, you go the other way. You degenerate. And so what these entities are doing in the physical layer is doing that same thing. They're, they're destroying the physical layer. They've destroyed their own body. They've invited in demons. And now they're creating things in terms of those demons of what can bring more of them in. And where this goes another layer deep, another layer deep is if you just look throughout history and you'll notice a pattern, you'll notice a pattern throughout history. And this is, this is kind of for me, like this was kind of like the piece that like really strung it all together. And hopefully you re-listen to this podcast because I think this is something that like might need a couple plays to really like sink in what it is that I'm trying to say here. But if you look throughout history. Whenever a civilization invades another civilization, one of the very first things they do is destroy their temples, destroy their buildings, their sacred buildings. And then they'll replace those buildings with their own gods or goddesses. I was in Egypt recently, and if you go and look throughout a lot of these temples, a lot of the faces will be chiseled off. faces of like the gods or the people they worshiped would be chiseled off of the walls. Now, 3D level, you can say, you know, they're not happy with them. They wanted that convert them and all that's true. But from a spiritual layer, they're cutting off the energy to those gods. They're cutting off the energy to those beings. And so therefore it severs the tie with the physical layer and that astral layer. So what this means is... is that there are going to be a group of us who need to create structures, who need to create temples, who need to create churches that honor nature, that honor the divine, that honor spirit, that honor source. This is where it goes back. Okay. Ready? This is where it goes back. We've talked about this before. I don't know how deep we've gone into this podcast. I should do an entire episode on it, but where Jesus is on the cross, so many people pray to Jesus on the cross and it's a satanic symbol. Him being on the cross, being unconscious, blood coming from his head, his hands are tied, his feet are tied. He's unable to help you. He's unable to support you. So whenever you worship, Jesus on the cross, you bring in negative energy. You bring in the energies that killed him, that sacrificed him. So when you bring those energies in. You create more of it, more of that demonic energy, all of it. So when I'm talking about creating these temples and these churches, for instance, I know in the future, and this is again, going back to my 3d modeling company, I'll be creating a church for King Jesus because nowhere do you see a church. that represents Jesus as a king. At least I've never seen one. I should probably try to look for one, but I have not found it yet. I could look deeper. It could look harder, but the, but the point, and I think this is, you know, we're kind of getting into a side tangent here, but it's not about like creating an organized religion around King Jesus. It's about honoring the spirit that was Jesus in a way that is kingly. Because if you want to bring that energy into your body, You have to honor him as a king. And again, this goes into a whole side track, but I really want to stay on topic here with, with regards to the sacred temples, the sacred energies, but see with Jesus, Jesus was a common man. So the fact that he was a common man, the fact that he was a shepherd, the fact that he was a carpenter, very noble, very What's word I'm looking for here? Common man ask jobs, especially at the time. fact that we're worshiping him being destroyed him being crucified on the cross for arguably nothing, arguably just for speaking the truth, which shout out the first amendment, but arguably for nothing. You're, praying to the energy to destroy the common man. You're praying that the common man be punished. because he is a metaphorical representation of that. So we have to elevate that energy and there's many ways to do it. I'm offering spiritual classes, sign up the 999 meditation challenge. I'm going to get you a spiritual class that we can sell you. there's a lot of meditations to actually heal that energy inside of you and then you'll be able to create that energy externally. So check that out. The 999 meditation challenges sign up. Or if you don't want the meditation challenge, it's okay. It's not the, it's honestly not the best, but, it's good. It'll get you started. If you've never meditated before, it'll give you kind of like the basic blueprint, which I think is good, but you can sign up for the newsletter. If you already are an avid meditator and I'll give you some, we'll send you some stuff. And then, and then, yeah, once we heal those energy centers within ourselves, you know, through those meditations, we can heal those energy centers in the world. So I'm sure you've heard of like the grid system on earth. Recently had a conversation about it in a community I'm a part of. And it's called lay lines also. And so we not only need to heal those energy centers within ourselves, but on the planet as well. How do you do that? We need to create structures. We need to create beautiful buildings that inspire. that spirit that lives within all of us to create beautiful things. And not only that, but these temples, they create a... frequency. And this is the part where. I'm not sure how deep to go with it because it feels like one of those things you just need to experience for yourself. You know, I can tell you these words. I can explain to you what I've seen and experienced, but if you don't experience it yourself. It's not going to hold up. It's not going to feel the same. It's not going to aligned. It's not going to resonate the same way. But the point is, is that... by creating a divine place of honoring spirit, of honoring Jesus, of honoring these sacred energies. It heals a lot of the programming that we see on this planet. Here's an example. Whenever I was in India, massive, massive temple, huge temple I went to and bigger the temple, bigger the energy that it creates. Now we go into this temple and in the back of it is the God in like the main chamber in the one chamber, the main room. And then beside him to the left and to the right are his wives. Now they were in these goddesses were in separate chambers. There was a wall dividing them. So if you can visualize for me in the middle, have the God to his left and to his right are the females, the goddesses, and there's walls in between them. So the energy of this temple, especially because it's huge, the energy of this temple is creating division between husband and wives, men and women. And I know it's going to sound silly, but if you ever look at a restroom sign, if you ever look at a restroom sign, you'll see a man on one side. You'll see a bar in the middle, a wall, and then the woman on the other side. This is how that programming takes over. So whether you're conscious or subconscious of it, you see the programming men on this side wall dividing women over here. It creates a psychological break in your mind that divides men and women. And the point of this again comes back to the sacred energies, the temple, the division within that temple. If they were to go in and remove those walls, husband and wives would be more unified. They'd come together. There'd be more understanding. There'd be less division. There'd be more unity, more peace, more prosperity within the family unit. There'd be more peace and prosperity with the husband and the wife. It's why there's so much miscommunication on our planet in that specific realm. And this is just one sector. And that's just one temple that I saw this in. And I was like, I just instantly saw it. It was so bizarre that just instantly, right? Whenever I saw that in the temple at first, it just sparked in me. It was like, division, men, women. restroom signs like, and you can just see it everywhere. Once you start, once you start kind of looking at it in this light, you just start seeing it everywhere. The bad program. So we have to create divine structures, structures that inspire beauty, that inspire greatness, structures that bring us together, where husbands should be next to their wives, wives should be next to their husbands. ones where we lift people up. ones where we're coming together, we're not divided. There's no more walls. There's no more barriers between us, but we were joined. We're connected. And this is the ethos essentially for an entire podcast. This is the ethos of my construction company, my 3d modeling company. So if you're someone who needs 3d modeling work, if you're someone who needs 3d modeling work, shoot me a message. We'll figure it out. We'll see what we can do. We'll make something happen. We'll get you some divine energies into your, structure because, because look, and here's, here's another good example. I mean, this is something, this is, think Chinese or Japanese, I forget. It's definitely an Asian culture. see if I can look it up real quick. But but this isn't like new knowledge by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone who's ever looked into the idea of feng shui Yeah. Feng Shui. They talk about this exact thing just on a smaller level. They talk about it in terms of your house and your life and where things should go to create harmony and for the energy to flow. Okay. It's Chinese. And it's a way of breaking down the energies within your house to be more aligned, to be more beautiful. And you know this, you know this to be true. You know this to be true because if you ever go into your house, your room, whatever, pick a room and just start moving around randomly, put the couch in the middle of the room, dead center, move the TV onto the bottom, to the bottom of the wall, move your desk. somewhere else, move a painting so that it's like on the stairs in a weird location. You intrinsically know that Feng Shui exists. You intrinsically know that this is real. The next step is just to realize that this programming can and does occur. at a global level. It occurs at a global level. And again, I highly recommend you re-listen to this podcast because it'll, it'll sink in the more you listen to it. The, the brain can fight itself and be like, no, this is stupid. This is woo woo. This is crazy. There's no way that doesn't make sense. I just have to heal myself. Go back and re-listen, go back, re-listen to this podcast and you'll hear, and you'll see, you'll start seeing the energies. you'll start seeing how we're programmed in so many different ways. And it sucks. Don't get me wrong. It definitely sucks. But the beauty of it is that we get to change it. We have to acknowledge the things that are sucky, the things that aren't going right in our world. If we want to make everlasting change, if we want to create peace, balance, harmony, if we want to come together, we have to acknowledge those things that are kind of sucky. But this is how we heal this planet. We heal the energies. This is how we come together. This is how we become more powerful, how we become more powerful, how we come together. That's what's so important about this. And even if you're on the fence, recommend you share this with someone, get someone else's viewpoint on it. Say, Hey, listen to this podcast. Something seems right, but I can't figure it out what it is. Maybe it's completely crazy. Share it with somebody. See what they think. Have a conversation with people about these ideas. Try them out. Try it out. Do your own research. Try it out in your own room. Move stuff around randomly. You'll notice, I guarantee you, you'll notice that when you create clutter, it'll create more stress in your body. Feel it. You can feel it. When there's clutter around you, there will be more stress in your body. You'll be more stressed. So you got to purify the world around you. You got to purify where things are. have to align the feng shui in your body. Very important, very important. It's not just about the 3d here. I'm just giving you the piece of the 3d. You definitely have to align the energies in your body, but don't forget about the physical. see too many times in the spiritual community where it's just, all ascension, blah, blah. And yet your room's a mess. Your house is a mess. Your energies are scattered all over the place, but there's an illusion within this spiritual matrix that's, that's pulling you out. That's making you think that it's all internal. So if you don't know where to start, I recommend that you sign up for the newsletter. I'm doing weekly lives, weekly lives on Wednesday nights. Might be moved back to 9 PM Eastern. need to sit down and look at my schedule again. weekly lives are happening. So sign up for those. Check it out on Instagram at Clayton Cutary. and come together because that's the intent of this podcast is the intent is for us to join to become one to be unified. So hopefully, hopefully this gives you a little bit more insight into how we can do that, but the changes that need to be made in this world. So with all that being said, sign up for the newsletter, sign up for the newsletter, share this with a friend. Those are the two biggest things that you can do to bring in the new world, the new earth. and then also re-listen to this podcast because I, for me, it's still like sinking in. Like I'm going to have to go back and re-listen to like even just listen to myself and be like, wait, what's going on again? But I appreciate you all. I love you all. And I will see you all in the sixth dimension.