Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri

Media Manipulation - This is How the Media is Controlling Your Mind! | Ep 296

Clayton Cuteri

In this conversation, Clayton Cuteri delves into the pervasive issue of media manipulation and its impact on public perception and behavior. He discusses the psychological tactics employed by media outlets to frame narratives, create biases, and influence the way individuals think about political figures and events. Clayton emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, seeking primary sources, and understanding the context of information to reclaim personal power and navigate the complexities of modern media consumption.

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00:00 - Intro
01:04 - Understanding Media Manipulation
03:14 - The Mechanics of Media Framing
07:09 - The Power of Context in Media
09:50 - The Illusion of Division
11:58 - Grassroots Movements and Media Influence
15:06 - Breaking Free from Media Manipulation
18:53 - Practical Steps to Combat Manipulation
22:04 - The Importance of Media Literacy

Intro/Outro Music Producer: Don Kin
Super grateful for this guy ^

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exploring spiritual journeys to find answers in uncertainty. up conscious monkeys welcome back to another episode of traveling to consciousness as always I'm your host Clayden Gutierre and today's podcast you saw it in the title you're about to hear it in my voice we are talking about media manipulation this is the granddaddy of them all psychological warfare that's occurring on our planet right now we're gonna talk all about how the media manipulates you brainwashes you into thinking and believing a certain way. And now maybe this is like kind of just unconsciously or maybe now I'm bringing it consciously and you're like, yeah, obviously I know that but I'm past it. I can see past it. But can you? I would argue that you need to be conscious of the things that I'm about to discuss in this podcast because it's going to revolutionize the way that you watch media, the way you consume media, the way you consume content. And with our election, November election coming up in less than a week, less than a week. Now more than ever, we need to be aware of how the media manipulates us. the ways in which we become trained cognitively by other people. And this power transcends even just the media because once you realize how framing, how adjectives, how they can skew your view of the world, you won't fall for the tricks anymore. Maybe sometimes you will, but being aware of all these tricks is very powerful. It's very powerful. It helps you reclaim a lot of your power back, your power back in, being able to decide the future that you want for yourself in the world. Now being a politician, I probably shouldn't be sharing this knowledge with you, but I find that the importance of this knowledge cannot be understated. Because then you'll be able to decide for yourself what's true, what's false. You'll be able to decide how you truly feel about ideas. How you truly feel about politicians. So now that I'm saying that, maybe it is good that I'm teaching you this because, well, you'll see. I'm actually gonna be using it for good, not for evil like all of these other, most of these other politicians. I'm sure some of them are good. We'll find out soon. So let's look at the timeline, right? Because whenever you receive information, especially if it's from a news source, it usually goes through a couple stages. The first thing that usually happens is they'll intro the clip. Then they'll show you the clip. Then they'll tell you what they think of the clip. And then after that, I'll tell you some techniques maybe for detecting the biases, how you can think critically and ways around this. Media manipulation. So let's talk about the beginning. The framing. Before you even see the clip, the manipulation begins. So you can pick up any news article, news video, and maybe I should pull up some. I think it's better if you go and find these on your own. Go turn on Fox News, go turn on CNN. Before they even show you the clip, they will tell you something along the lines of this. If on Fox News, they'll say something like, you'll never believe the dumb thing Kamala Harris just said. This thing that they're interested that Kamala is introducing might be the worst idea yet. Or if you're on CNN, they'll introduce it with you'll never believe the racist thing that Trump has said now. You'll never believe what Trump is deciding to take away from women now. You'll never believe this thing. You know, so they'll start off by the framing. So it primes your brain to look for the information that they're about to give you. you're already being primed. Before you've even seen the clip, they're telling you how to think about the clip, what to look for, what triggers to look for. So then when you see the clip, inevitably you'll see exactly what they're framing you to think. Experts say that Trump's new thing is exactly like Hitler. Blah blah blah. This is how they'll manipulate you. This is the very beginning of it. That's the very start. Now, they'll go to the clip. One of two things will happen. Number one, they'll have like a bar along the bottom. Trump's racist remarks at Mar-Lago or Kamala looking dumb in front of reporters. That will be the headline across the bottom. now you're visually reading, you're visually reading and then you're hearing. you're creating a connectivity between your ears and your eyes, which makes the messaging even that much stronger. And on top of this, pay attention to the adjectives that they use. There'll be emotionally charged adjectives when they're doing this. The shocking thing that Kamala has done. the brutal words that Trump has used. you will hear those adjectives, very strong adjectives. In that intro, you'll hear, you'll see it in the, in the subtitles as well. And they'll talk about it after the fact. So now, now that they've primed your brain, the next step is up. Show you a clip, show you a clip. And maybe if you're lucky, they'll show you a three minute clip. They won't do that on the news. It moves too quickly. They'll show you a clip that's usually less than 45 seconds. And here's the problem. If you've ever listened to any long form podcasts, as I'm sure you have, and you are now, if you take any clip of that, less than honestly, in my opinion, I mean, it depends on the clip, but maybe less than 10 minutes, it's out of context. There's a flow, and this is where it of becomes a little bit spiritual, but there's a flow of energy going through a conversation. There's a flow of energy. And I'm sure you could even find it with some of my podcasts. If you just clip something very quickly, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and then put the framing on it, you'll manipulate people to believe a certain way about that clip. through these techniques. It's powerful. But if you go back and listen to the entire conversation from start to end, your brain will never even pick up on the way that they want you to be manipulated. I guarantee it. I completely guarantee it. So in that small clip, now that they've primed you, they frame the conversation a certain way. They show you 10 seconds, 15 seconds, and it confirms everything that they said. Subconsciously, you can sit there and think, well, you know, or maybe even consciously, maybe it's a little bit out of context, but that is exactly what they said. Sometimes they'll completely take words out of context. know, and I'm not trying to give him any credit, but I know that they did this with Trump for a while, and sure they, I know they do with Kamala, but the one that's coming to mind is the blood bath phrase. They keep saying that if Trump loses, it'll be a blood bath. If Trump loses, it'll be a blood bath. If Trump loses, and then they have a clip of him just saying, if I don't win, it'll be a blood bath. But if you watch the five minute version of that seven minute version, what he's talking about is the automotive industry, how they will never return to America. And I'm not trying to vouch for the guy. Okay. I want to be very clear. I'm just, That was an idea, an example that came to my mind. You can pick this out on both sides of the eye. So you have to be careful. You have to be careful when distilling information. It becomes difficult too because of how much stress they've induced in our lives, how much fear they've put into our lives, this idea that we don't have time to do certain things. And so because of this, they're making it in a way that you can't go and actually consume the full clip. So if you can't go and actually listen to him speak for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, then you have no idea. You're just going to take that snippet, process it in your brain and it'll incept the idea into your mind. Because they've made life difficult on purpose. Well, either on purpose. guess it doesn't matter either on purpose or through ignorance. It doesn't matter which one they've made life difficult. The elites have made life very difficult for the common man because that's the true war that's going on here. And I talked about that in my last podcast. Not going to dive too deep into that, but the true war that's going on here is the elite versus the common man. Do not become divided because of Trump, because of a Kamala, because of Republican, because of Democrat, because of white, because of black. because of warmen, because of man, because of Israel, because of Palestine, because of Russia, because of Ukraine. These are all illusions. They're all illusions to make you think in a different way. The real war is the elites versus the common man. You think these news anchors on Fox and CNN, they don't get together and hang out? Of course they do. Of course they do. They'll sit there on TV for five, 10 minutes yelling at each other. you're wrong about this. You're right about this. And then they'll go have drinks after. wasn't it great? Like how we just manipulated America. Like, wasn't that so cool? Like you did such a great job. no, you did a great job. It's the elite versus the common man. That is the war that is being played out and nobody is talking about it. So we have to start talking about it. All other wars are an illusion to divert you. from the real war that's occurring between us. It's not even us, if you will, it's the political classes. And we know this and you know this because this is what has been occurring forever, forever. This war has been occurring, but even more so you can see it whenever we look back in 2009, we had the American Tea Party movement. And then in 2011, we had Occupy Wall Street. Both of them were saying basically, we're getting taxed, we cannot survive. It is the top. is the one percent who is destroying us. And yet we're just going to kind of we need we need representation. They qualm that very quickly. They cut that down very fast. American tax, American Congress, American the American Tea Party, that political party did not allow to get non-political status. They cut that very fast. The Occupy Wall Street, they basically just burned that out. You can actually see pictures of like Wall Street bankers drinking wine and champagne as they're looking down on, it's actually pretty utopic if you look up those images of them looking down on the protesters. But the point that I'm trying to bring up here is that you will be manipulated. And those movements, those organic grassroot movements were squashed because of the media's power to manipulate you. Those movements, which are based in the most fundamental essence of who we are as human beings. got squashed because of media manipulation. So that's why we have to be so aware of it. There were other forces at play, definitely. Definitely there were other forces at play. But the way that the media manipulates completely changed our mindset, completely changed our trajectory away from those movements. And even more so, a big issue now arises because of this manipulation, right? If you have, and maybe it's not that many people, maybe it's a million people, tune into Fox News, maybe it's five million. That's still a lot. That's still a lot of people to create a visualization with. That's a ton of people to create a visualization with. If you tune into Fox News, five million people, let's say CNN, NBC, let's say they're all combined as one, they're probably about five million as well. What happens is, is if you are polarizing the people, Kamala's terrible. No, Trump's terrible. You're creating that visualization in two groups, 10 million people total, which is a ton of people to create a visualization. That energy will explode. That energy will become more potent, more powerful. It will explode, which then sends us into divisiveness and tribalism. We then are going to be primed in the world to see the world the way that they're telling us to see the world. Maybe you'll even just read a headline. You get to a point where you just read a headline and you think that has to be true. You don't even have to read the rest of the article. And many times they completely flat out lie in the headline. They'll say something like Trump, Trump is using the N word. And then in the thing they'll say Trump never actually used that N word. He was talking about like near sightedness. I don't know. I'm just using examples. Again, this is not pro Trump. I am just telling you how the media manipulates you and using it. Things that come to mind. And it creates this pattern. It creates the confirmation bias. You'll see it everywhere in your life now. I'm a victim. If Kamala doesn't win, then everything will be terrible. If Trump wins, then everything will be terrible. And so you create that confirmation bias in your mind. And so everywhere you go, you see it. Instead of focusing on the victories, the successes in your life, they've convinced you they have created the confirmation bias. They've created the cognitive dissonance. that removes you from neutral or maybe even views that you agree with. Maybe you at your core level agree with a view, but because you consumed it through one of the two sources, you disagree with it. and they do this everywhere. It's not even the mainstream media. I see this on X as well. You write some text explaining your viewpoints on what is about to be said and it primes your brain to read and to see the video clip in that light. And it's only a three minute clip. In long term, long term this creates so much division. It creates voting patterns within your mind. It creates these ruts, these neural pathways that become ingrued and ingrained into your mind. We have to break free. We have to break free. And this knowledge, this knowledge, this media manipulation knowledge is so important to break free from this. So important. So what can we do? How can we break free? How can we break free? This is the most important part of this entire podcast in my opinion, because we have to break free from it. You have a couple options. You have a couple options. The most important way is going to be a little bit. The most important, not most important, the best way to my most encouraged way to break free from this is look for the primary source. Look for the raw footage. Trump was just on Joe Rogan. Go listen to the full podcast. And again, I know that's a tall ask. I know that's a tall, tall ask. We have a lot going on in our lives. but you'll be bit more peace. You'll understand the man better. Kamala did a podcast or not a podcast, but did an interview with Brett Baer. He's a Fox news anchor. And before even watching any of the headlines, I watched the full podcast, the full interview, 25, 25, 26 minutes. And I thought there was interesting parts. Some of them, you know, I thought she looked good. Sometimes I thought she looked bad. And then I went online to consume the content that I was told. And the way that people view things differently blew my mind. Take a small clip, explain, put a little like, she was really crazy in this moment. But if you watch it in its full context, it provides clarity. It provides understanding of how the energies were moving. What was being said, why it came off like that. You can't just take this small clip because you don't understand how they got to that point. It's exactly like history. If we don't understand history, we're doomed to repeat it. If we don't understand where we came from, we become slaves. We become able to be, we become controllable. It's the same way. We have to understand our history. We have to understand the path, the movement of the conversation. So seeking the primary source is the utmost important thing you can do. Okay, here's a clip from Trump on Joe Rogan, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Here's where Trump was super racist on Joe Rogan, something like that. Stop it. Go watch the full Joe Rogan podcast. Decide for yourself. Don't let someone else tell you how to think. Do not let someone else tell you how to think. Because if you give up that, that freedom, the most private freedom that you have, your brain waves, nothing else matters. It doesn't matter if you think you have the freedom of speech. It doesn't matter if you think you have the freedom to bear arms. It doesn't matter if we have the constitution. If you don't have the freedom to think, it's all gone. It's all gone. On paper, can say that you have freedom of speech. But then when you go out and walk around with your friends, you're going to stop yourself from saying certain things because it's a psychological war that they're playing. It's psychological. So they control you. It doesn't matter on paper if you can say certain things, get away with certain things, because you won't do it. You'll stop yourself before you say how you truly feel. That is why this is so important. another thing you can do. Another thing you can do is identify this, let's call it loaded language. Figure out how to spot the adjectives and the framing because then you won't be as. manipulated. And it's here's here's the difficult part to you again, because then it requires you to actively watch the news. You can't just sit back and let them think for you. You have to watch this and say, OK, are they trying to frame something a certain way? What am I doing here? Is this the actual clip? OK, they cut it. OK, that's where the cut was. OK, we already got into this. OK, where's the cut? And that takes energy. Don't get me wrong. That takes energy. But I do believe there's something to be said. For that. how important that energy truly, truly is. It might be the most important. I mean, and you could also look at it from like different read multiple sources. I mean, even in like the banners, like whenever they have these political rallies and it gets covered by all the news stations, just flip through the stations. It's so crazy. And there'll be more, sure of that, but go watch on Fox. You'll see the bottom headline, then go to a different station, read the bottom headline, that the title, the way they're framing the conversation, they're priming you to think a certain way. They, they don't believe that you should have control over your own mind. They think they know what's best for you. They want your mind. That is the war that's being played out between the elite and the common man is a psychological class warfare. mean, geez, it would be genius. It would it's honestly genius if it wasn't so nefarious. If their intentions were to unify us and bring us together, then great. And doctrine ate the shit out of me. But the fact that they use it for division, for divisiveness, for evil, that's where they lose me. That's where they should be losing you. And I remember in the last, the last tip that I have, the last tip that I have, which is even funny because I know they tried to denounce this with the whole Vax stuff, media literacy. We need to learn to start questioning the sources, questioning the so-called quote unquote experts. Cause they can just throw anyone up there and call them an expert. There's no. I mean the definition like there's a definition for expert, but it's not like there's a legal way to define what an expert is. I mean, you know, so they could put me up there and be like, Hey, well, Clayton's an expert in this thing. Listen to what he has to say. And again, you now have to just, if you're not actively listening, you just absorb whatever they say. well, an expert said so and so. This is a powerful way. This is a powerful way to step out of it. You also have the ability to go to independent sources for him for opinions. You can see different news outlets. You can do your own research, which is crazy to me that they tried to you can look up news articles about this too. I think like a couple of years ago, they were trying to tell people to not do their own research. I wonder if there was any like Do your own research as racist. I'm going to do this a little quick, quick. The dangers of do your own research skeptics say do your own research. It's not that simple. What does do your own research really mean? This is the psychological warfare that they play. Those were all news headlines. And you see how they frame it, right? Okay, here's the first headline. The dangers, so be afraid, of do your own research. Another one skeptics say, see the priming skeptics say do your own research. It's not that simple. Do you see how they prime you to be afraid of the things they don't want you to do? If you do your own research, you'll become powerful. You'll become very powerful. And that scares them to death. That scares them to death. They do not want you to be powerful. They do not want you to be in control because we are the 99 % because we have that ability to fight back against the system. And if you realize if you do your own research about anything, anything history, you'll start to see the incongruencies. You'll start to see where things don't line up. And if you're honest with yourself and you ask the questions that take you to the next level, well, let's just say that's where things start to get very, very interesting. very interesting. And so I'm going leave it off on that point. I want you to share this podcast with someone because this is the most important information out there. The way the media manipulates you. The way the media manipulates you so important for people to realize and nobody even realizes it. So please send this to a friend. Remember to look and we'll do a quick little recap. Pay attention to the bias before they play the new news clip. Pay attention to the adjectives that they have in the headline. Notice the clipping of the podcast or media, whatever it is. Notice how this has a very subtle but profound impact on society. and then go back and re-listen to the tips for detecting the bias for critically thinking. Look for that loaded language, seek the primary sources, and do your own research. With that being said, I appreciate all of you, and I know for sure that I will see you in the sixth dimension. you

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