Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri

How Egyptian Mythology Can Help Bring World Peace | Ep 287

Clayton Cuteri

In this conversation, Clayton Cuteri explores the themes of spiritual journeys, the quest for world peace, and the influence of media on public opinion. He emphasizes the importance of understanding different cultures and fostering compassion to achieve inner peace. Clayton advocates for educational reform to empower individuals with knowledge that promotes personal growth and societal change. He calls for action to create a better world through community engagement and pursuing enlightenment.

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00:00 - Exploring Spiritual Journeys and World Peace
03:01 - The Role of Media in Shaping Opinions
05:50 - Understanding Inner Peace and Compassion
11:47 - The Need for Educational Reform
18:07 - Creating a Better World Through Knowledge and Action

Intro/Outro Music Producer: Don Kin
Super grateful for this guy ^

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exploring spiritual journeys to find answers in uncertainty. As always, I'm your host Clanky Terry and in today's podcast, I honestly, I'm not sure what we're going to get into today. I do know we're getting into today. But first, I do want to put out there that we are less than a week away from Sri Lanka, which means probably next Thursday and Monday. There will not be podcast episodes. All right. I actually already covered this. I'm going to try to record from my phone and upload. We'll see what we can do. We'll see if I'll have time. I know that it's going to be a very busy event. Going to be making a lot of meetings. if you're unaware, if this is the first time you're tuning in, I'm meeting with the president of Sri Lanka, the president of the Maldives, and then a lot of different celebrities within India and Sri Lanka. some like professional cricket players, Looks like there's like a couple actresses and models so I need to do put on my networking pants and you know connect connect to those people because I truly believe at the core of all of us is that we want, we want world peace. You know, it doesn't matter what country you're from. doesn't matter what religion you, you know, preach, you abide to which holy books you read. think at the foundational piece of all of this is that we want peace. We want prosperity. We all want to get along. And so I think one of the biggest ways that we can do that is exposing ourselves to people from different cultures, different countries, different thoughts, different ideas. And I, and I think, I think the key thing there too, is to, to just have that baseline agreement, right? Like, Hey, we're, we're, we're trying to achieve world peace, right? Cause And I mean, maybe it's something that's subliminal that we don't talk about, but we should be talking about that, right? Like anytime you're having a discussion with anybody, right? It's like, what, what is the foundational piece that we're trying to get towards? What do we, what's the overall goal we're trying to get closer to? Can we agree that that is peace? Like maybe that should be our starting point. Cause to me, I think at least in the past, whenever I've had conversations about controversial issues, It's like, I think we need to agree that we're heading towards the right, the same direction, right? Like, is that the same outcome we want? Like what's our desired outcome here? And I think that'll have a lot of basis for at least connecting us, right? Connecting us to make sure that we're on the same page about such a surface. Simple, simple thing. Because then once you start getting into all the nuances and issues that can arise, especially in the political sphere, it'd be very powerful to come back to like, okay, what is, what is it that we're trying to solve? Okay. We're trying to get to this. We're all in agreement to get to this end item. And I believe that a lot of the information that comes to us about different cultures, different religions comes through the filter of the corporate media structure. The corporate media decides what your opinions are. They, they form, they program your brain. They form your opinion for you without you even knowing. And I truly believe that the only way for you to form your own opinion is to go out in the world, meet people from different countries, different ethnicities, religion, races. so that you can see for yourself that in every single aspect of the world there are good people. There are people who are kind -hearted, who want to help others. Of course there's bad people. Of course they exist. But you have to realize that they're so far into the minority that it's in some ways laughable, in my opinion. Like it's so few. It is so few and at some level you kind of have to go out and look for them. Because they're not people who are typically at least in positions of. who you're going to be crossing path with, who you are going to be crossing paths with, at least generally speaking, I'm sure there are going to be bad people that pop up, but you know, it may be something that gets talked a lot about in the spiritual community. You know, it was past trauma, how that's influencing your day, even just mental health in general. And even what I've noticed is like people that are, if you can look at everyone kind of as a child, if you will, as you know, maybe they're throwing a tantrum because when they were younger, they didn't get things and they feel like you're wanting them over. You know, you're kind of doing the same thing that they had when they were a kid. It can help you grow your compassion for them so that you're not in a place of judging them for their actions, for their thoughts. And it keeps you calm. It keeps you more present. It keeps you in a place of deeper understanding so that you can keep your inner eye, your inner well -being calm. Because the poison, we're going to get to the poison. The problem that we run into is whenever we start poisoning our own inner eye, when we start making decisions that... invites us to close up and feel tight. And then you question yourself, why did I do that? Why did I do this? Instead of making decisions that opens your inner eye, that makes you more calm, that makes you more present, that allows you to be, you know, like flow, like flow with the flow with the wind, you know, what's coming to mind in Egyptian mythology. If you're near a computer, you should look this up or on your phone if you have the second. If you're driving a car, do not look this up. I'll try to do a little bit of descriptor for you. But then Egyptian mythology, they talk about after death and what the process essentially was is, is, you know, their process on the physical plane on earth was to basically take out all the organs of the body. you know, they put them in their own little canisters and then they would put the heart back into the body. And their belief structure was essentially that once you passed over, you needed your heart because what would happen is when you went to your judgment, they would place it on a scale. and they would put your heart on one side of the scale and on the other side of the scale they put an ostrich feather. fun fact about an ostrich feather. And I didn't even know this till I went to Egypt. No other feather, no other bird feather is perfectly symmetrical on the left and the right side of the feather. The ostrich feather is the only one that's perfectly symmetrical. So I think that's an also a very interesting little tidbit for what I'm about to say, which is with this scale, this judgment scale is if your heart weighed more than the ostrich feather, you didn't get to pass into heaven. But if your heart weighed less than the ostrich feather, meaning it was lighter, you got to pass into heaven. You got to move on. and whether or not that's what happens after we pass away. I think the beautiful thing that's in there, right? And we've, I think we've talked about this before, but let's assume that, and I think the best way to look at it is that heaven and hell exist in this plane of existence and this realm that we're all living in right now. And so what that means is, is that you can create heaven or you can create hell for yourself in any moment, any moment you choose, you can create heaven or hell. And I believe that this Egyptian, this Egyptian story, this myth, this myth, you will, plays exactly into that. It plays into this idea that within every moment. you can make decisions that makes your heart lighter, that makes you feel better about yourself. And it might not even be about yourself. It can be about other people. I mean, sometimes that's when my heart feels the lightest is whenever I help other people, whenever you help someone else with a breakthrough or even just physically, you help them get a picture down or a painting or mirror. I don't know. I'm just spit balling here. You help them change a tire. And think about the opposite. Think about the times when someone asks you for help and you deny it and how your heart feels heavier, how it feels tighter. And then you think to yourself, I wish I would have done that in this situation. I wish I was there. I wish I could have helped that. And then you start this whole mental conversation and just the tightness becomes ever increasing. And so I offer all of this so that you can focus on the decisions you make and how it affects your heart, your inner eye. Does it become tighter? Does it become softer? You decide. That's your decision to make. You can feel it become in tune. This is where like mindfulness comes in, right? Be mindful of your inner eye. How does the decision you make influence that tightness that you become more open? Do you become more loving or do you become tighter and a little bit more standoffish off putting want to keep distance with people. And from what I can tell, what I've noticed, what I've learned is that the more that you can become calm and open up that inner eye, the more the universe will open up to you. more knowledge your field, your energetic field, your mind can comprehend. And a big reason for this too is a big way to achieve this is with proper knowledge. You know, I've talked about it before, but you can search this podcast and there are certain, what are they called? episodes with the title Indigo education. And so these episodes, more to come in the future as I can share them if you will, or it seems right at the time to share them. These episodes give you knowledge that will help you relax your inner eye. Because there's a lot of knowledge that people are unknowingly operating from. And through operating with that knowledge, with that lens, you're naturally, your heart space is going to be tighter and closed off. But if you can open that, if you can relax, if you can have the proper knowledge of how to open your inner eye, life starts to flow a bit more. It starts to become a bit easier. It becomes more fun. you can play more instead of being so tight so serious And even the next step after this. And the reason I guess I'm doing everything I'm doing is, if we're going to, you know, physical world, right? Like we have to make that physical because right now we're just talking about like the individual, the inner eye, the inner peace, like it's excellent. And it's a great foundational, great starting point to get just a one of you. If it's just, if this knowledge is tells one of you, that's tremendous. But then the next step is to take that to the bigger picture. We need to get the entire world on board with this. We need to give this education the option for this education, right? Cause we've talked about before the current system that we're in. being told that you have to sit at a certain place at a certain time, you have to raise your hand to ask a question. You're not allowed to go to the bathroom without permission. You have to do certain things. You have to, you know, basically obey orders. Everything that we've been taught, all of our education from kindergarten through college, through doctorate programs is pure slavery education. You're not taught how to interact with the material world, how to interact with the different energies that exist in this world. And so to scale this up, to get to that bigger picture, we have to find a way to get our education systems to change. We have to upgrade our education systems because you're not going to be able to sustain this for much longer. I mean, the idea of, you know, the current trajectory we are on, it's not sustainable. It's not sustainable. So we have to change that direction. We have to bend it. We have to move it in a way that is more suitable to the human spirit, to the spirit that enables and animates all of us. We have to help that because right now, and I know you can feel it in your chest cause I still even feel it. I mean, I feel like I've made tremendous leaps and bounds and since even through the general conception of what is indigo education. mean, I started learning indigo education maybe in December. So we're probably looking at 10 months for myself and like, I still feel like I'm bound in some way. And so my point is... is that it's going to take time. Maybe I should do a podcast on momentum. Cause I think that's a really good educational piece. I haven't done an indigo education on that. I'll, I'll make a podcast on it. Momentum. But my, my point of this, the point that I'm trying to make here is that we need proper education so that people can truly love and evaluate life for themselves so that you can truly be free to make your own decisions so that you can, what's, how do I, how do you even articulate this? It's like true freedom. Like I don't know if we've ever really truly experienced the idea of freedom. mean, we're the... lack, lack of knowledge. mean, not the lack of knowledge, but the lack of the knowledge being available. The fact that you're always in debt, don't have financial and for me knowledge. It blocks you from experiencing how much there can be in being a human. And to me, it is such a, just such a disservice. And so to kind of even bring this back to what we were talking about, right? We have to, we have to have people in the education field who want this, who want her, who are able, who are candidates, if you will, to teach this type of information to people absolutely have to have these people. They have to learn it. We need people who are going to be able to learn this type of education and then teach others. So it's going to take more. It's going to take more than just the American Congress party getting into power and wanting to, you know, fund it, fund it. Right. Because it's, it's so much more than just throwing throwing money at a problem, right? We've seen how great government has been at creating problems, making problems worse by throwing money at it, right? I we all have seen that, that that's been enough. But the what you truly need at the foundational piece is people who can teach this indigo knowledge, people who can help others experience the world in the way that brings more joy and more love, more light, more laughter. to everybody at a foundational piece. have to have that because that will make our hearts hearts. That'll make our hearts lighter than that are ostrich feather. That'll make a world where we don't have to be afraid. where things like terrorism and war will be a thing of the past. It'll be forgotten. because we will have so many enlightened individuals who are doing things from their heart space to make their heart lighter. Once you start feeling how good that is, it's very difficult to go back, but that comes into momentum and how momentum can bend that in a certain way, which again, we'll create our own podcast for, I should write that down. I'm going to write that down right now, actually. Make podcast about. Huh? Now that I wrote that, feel like I might've wrote for any of podcast about that. Go see if there's a podcast about momentum. Cause if there is, then I'm not going to make one. So it to you. There's an indigo knowledge about momentum. Cause that's a very powerful piece of knowledge because essentially people will hear these things and then it becomes difficult for you to start implementing them. And that's because of momentum. But what we need to do is start pushing that momentum in the right direction. in the direction of not poisoning our food in the direction of like more sustainable education. You know, this whole fallacy of needing to get a college diploma, go a hundred K and debt is not sustainable. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. You take a second to evaluate that kids who don't have a financial financial literacy. take taking out $100 ,000 loans that you can't ever claim bankruptcy on. have to pay those back. It's silly. It's absolutely silly. We're completely untrained for this world that we get put thrown into. So we have to correct it. We need a political party who is going to provide and educate and at least empower and push money towards and provide leadership in the direction of this type of education, providing it for people, making sure that it's an option for people to have. We need to have a political party that stops and makes it illegal to poison our food because this is another way that it closes that inner eye. This is another way on the physical layer that it makes it difficult for you to open your inner eye. So we'll stop poisoning the food. And just those two things alone, just those two things alone, I kid you not, will solve maybe 75, I think to 80 % of the issues that the entire world and let's not even the entire world, but America is facing right now. Because if you stop poisoning your body, if you stop poisoning your body, it heals, it'll heal itself. There's so many people who have done, research on this. know Dr. Joe Dispenza has done amazing research on this, but he even gets like the mind involved in it, which he even kind of dabbles in a little bit of indigo and what's called crystal education. So he's unknowingly promoting a lot of the knowledge that I'm talking about that we need to be teaching in school. So it's possible, it's doable. Why is nobody talking about it? Why are the leaders of our country not promoting it? But even a better question is, is who's gonna save us? Who's gonna start talking about it? And so in my opinion, this is the crux. This is the gap that exists in our society that the American Congress party is here to fill. American Congress party is here to be that. filling for that empty hole that is completely bleeding dry America and people's desire for life. I see so many people that are going through stress. It's incredible. It really is truly in a negative connotation. I'm not saying this positively, but it's truly incredible how many people are stressed in this world and how rare it is to see someone who is calm and happy and joyful. It's very rare. So we need, in my opinion, we need American Congress party now more than ever. We need even more than that. We need you, the person. Yeah. You the one listening to this podcast, you're such a more powerful individual than you know, because when you start living your life, when you start understanding Indigo education, you're going to start that own your own momentum train. And that momentum train is going to lead to encouraging more people to understand this knowledge. and ultimately join the American Congress party because you'd be like, wow, Clayton was right about this. What else could he be right about? But all in due time, no rush, no rush. But we do need to do this soon because I don't know how much longer, you know, America is going to survive if we're constantly at each other's necks. But I think, you know, and again, I think we need to have those conversations with each other of like, okay, like we're at the baseline. Like we agree that we want the world to be a better place. Okay, cool. Here's how we can do that. Because I think we kind of skim over that and think that the person who we disagree with is like anti against the world, against the life, which I don't know. I have heard people who vehemently say they don't like nature, which baffles my mind if you really dig down to what nature is and everything that's encapsulated in it just blows my mind that it's like, but maybe it's just like an off the cuff thing. I mean, I guess it's probably I've heard it mostly when like bugs are annoying them. It's like, I don't like nature, but it's like, I mean, you say that, but like, I don't know that you truly mean it regardless. That's a whole nother rabbit hole. Regardless, my point is, is that the world needs you. The world needs you. The world needs you to be the best possible version that you can be. And the way to do that is to enjoy every single moment of life. Just enjoy it. So many people just do not enjoy every single moment of life and it blows my mind. And I get it. I get it. I guess it doesn't blow my mind. I get it. I do. And so we have to give these tools to people. We have to give this knowledge to people. because by giving this knowledge, it, provides another option for people to view the world in a more harmonious way so that we can, you know, so that we can. achieve heaven on earth. because that's what all this is for that's my motive that's my motivation it's the only reason I got into politics I mean some people kind of say it but then you look at it you look at either track record and you're like okay you're not actually So we need a place to meet, and that place to meet is the American Congress party. So I truly hope that you guys can get this message out there to whoever you want, whoever you can, whoever you can speak to. Because here's the thing, at some point in time... You and I are going to have a conversation and be like, did you share that podcast? Did you do your part for world peace? And you'd be like, yeah, I did. And I'll be like, okay, cool. But we have that conversation. You say, no, well, we're to have to have a conversation about it. Whenever we see each other in the sixth dimension.

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