Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri

Indigo Education: Meditation Technique - Touch The Ground | Ep 283

Clayton Cuteri

This podcast episode explores the concept of meditation and its role in becoming more calm and aware in everyday life. The host shares a technique of connecting with nature and expressing desires to Mother Nature, which can lead to positive shifts in reality. Clayton also discusses the importance of intention and karma in manifesting desires.

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00:00 - Introduction: Exploring Spiritual Journeys
01:26 - The Power of Meditation in Everyday Life
05:05 - Connecting with Mother Nature for Manifestation
10:02 - The Role of Intention in Manifesting Desires
12:13 - Appreciating the Illusion and Interconnectedness of Reality

Intro/Outro Music Producer: Don Kin
Super grateful for this guy ^

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exploring spiritual journeys to find answers in uncertainty. What is up, conscious monkeys? Welcome back to another episode of Traveling to Consciousness. As always, I'm your host, Klee and Ketary. And in today's podcast episode, we are going to give you a little bit of Indigo education because I feel like that's just such a piece of the puzzle that is missing. I feel like I've been focusing a little bit too much on the politics and we need balance. need balance in the world. need a balance between the end to go education and we need a balance with the politics because whenever you're able to become more calm, when we can become more calm as a society, it will uplift everyone. It'll uplift honestly, the campaign, it'll uplift you. It'll uplift the people around you. So in order to become more calm, a piece of that is proper education, proper knowledge. because improper knowledge can make you more afraid, more scared. So we want to give more proper knowledge. And so in today's podcast episode, I'm going to give you a meditation technique, if you will. And maybe we'll start off talking about meditation, but we'll give you a little bit of a technique, if you will, that will help you become more calm. It's actually a tool that can be used in many different ways. but becoming more calm will be the key aspect of it. So meditation. Now, if you would have asked me when I started my meditation journey, almost 10 years ago, eight years ago, I started off quote unquote meditating by sitting on my bed for anywhere from five to 20 minutes in the morning. And whenever I went to bed to kind of calm my mind, And I did this for years, years and years and years. But I think this is a huge aspect of what we get wrong in the West about meditation, which is it's, it's not something that you do by just sitting in a room, sitting still for eight, 10, 15 hours a day. And I think we get this drastically wrong. I think we have to realize that meditation is something you do in every single moment of every single day. It's something that you're just naturally doing throughout the day. And it's mixed in with awareness. So proper meditation, in my opinion, now, if you ask me now, which I guess you guys are, because we're talking about it now is being acutely aware to what you're doing with every single moment of your day. Because if you consider yourself a conscious creator, a mindful person, every single moment you should be in tuned or innately aware with the present moment. You should be innately aware with what's going on inside your body, the inputs coming in from the outside world, the outputs going out from your inside world. So become acutely, acutely aware of what's going on there because If you just spend five, 10 minutes a day, maybe you'll make some progress, but you have to realize that it's an entire day event becoming calm, becoming more calm, becoming even calmer. And I think that's probably the goal. At least I guess that's my goal as of right now is to become even more calm because when you're angry, when you're scared, when you're afraid, when you're in fear, You don't make rash decisions. You don't make decisions that are going to benefit, well, you, but you in the future. You don't make decisions that are going to benefit your community nor your community in the future. The only way you can make decisions that are going to benefit you and your community now and in the future is by being more and more calm. So to become calm, you need a technique or techniques. There are many out there, but I'm going to give you this one. And it's a very powerful one. And. It's kind of where I guess you get the term tree huggers from this. No, you're not going to have to hug a tree. You can hug a tree if you want. Hugging a tree can work as well. If you want to go that route, by all means, I'm not holding that back. But what you can do, and I do this every day for about five to 10 minutes, go outside, find a patch of grass or dirt or sand. You can do it with either any of the above. And you're to rub your hands in a circle. You can be on your knees if you like. and talk to nature. Tell nature what you want. Tell it, tell her how you could have more help in your life. Maybe you need more money. Maybe you're trying to hire someone and you can't find the right person. Tell her you need more people in a certain field. Tell her what you need. And this is so powerful that it will, I can almost guarantee you if you do this for a week, well, I don't want to put a guarantee on it. And I'm going to guarantee it. I'll say at least two weeks, do this for at least two weeks. And I can almost guarantee you that you'll start seeing things shift into that direction or that desired reality that you're looking for. you'll see little micro nuances occur that will bring you. that item to you, that thing, those people, those events, you'll get closer and closer and closer. So what you do is, and I'll just repeat this again. Here's the technique and I'll give you some, some things you can say. So the technique, put your hands in the grass, rub it around and kind of repeats like a mantra. If you will, maybe it's, be happy, be healthy, enjoy problems, enjoy every moment, enjoy a long lucrative life. Do these things, say these things, speak like this. Speaking the way where you're Mother Nature what you want, as if it's you. and I'll give you some more knowledge. And this is the knowledge of why this works. This works because... Here's what's happening. Let's let me take a step back. The spirituality community, right? If you've heard any of my podcast, not any, but a lot of my podcast, right? A core theme that sometimes will pop up with guests that I have on the show is they talk about how this reality is an illusion, how it's not real, yada, yada, yada. And. At one level, they're right, but at another level, they're wrong. So at one level, what they're trying to say is that there's more energy, there's higher beings, there's, know, we have our soul, which is not confined to this reality, which again is true. But it is also false in the fact that even though this is a quote unquote illusion, we all agree that we're experiencing it. So it very much is real. It very much is real. and nobody's appreciating it and nobody's appreciating the illusion nobody's appreciating nature And what happens when you start appreciating something? It gives you what you're looking for. It will help you. I mean, this is human psychology. One -on -one gives someone enough compliments. They'll want to repay it. They'll want to help you. And so we'll have to understand mother nature is exactly that she's our mother and parents will sacrifice for their kids. They will give what their kids desire from them. They will sacrifice themselves so that their kids can live a better life. So when you ask mother nature, when you're rubbing your hands in her grass, her sand, telling her what you need and what you desire, the illusion or mother nature will bring you those things. She'll help you. She'll help you get a little further. Now, another piece of the puzzle that I want to bring into the mix, and this is where karma starts to take effect. Which is your intention. So why are you asking for this thing? And that is the question that you really have to be honest with yourself about. Why are you asking for this thing? Because that's where your karma, your, how was another way to word this? What goes around comes around. So if you're asking for something to do harm to someone else, You're going to be creating bad karma. But if you're asking for something to help someone else, maybe it helps you become more calm. Maybe you want to help mother nature. Maybe you want to help somebody else. That'll be good karma, no matter what the thing is. So start with your intention of why you're asking for this thing. And honestly, that's probably a good reminder for myself because I could probably do a better job of communicating that whenever doing this, right? And through that communication, through that communication, you're talking to the illusion, if you will, the program, the computer simulation, whatever you want to call it. Mother nature is what I say. Yes, I think is the most, the best phrase for it. The best name, if you will, it's what connects everything, right? The plants, the trees, the sun, the solar system, all of it's ruled by Our mother, Mother Nature. But you can use whatever name she'll she doesn't care as long as you're respectful or don't be respectful and then you'll get that back in return. Right. And this is where you'll hear it a lot in the modern day spirituality of it being a mirror. Right. As you get what you reap what you sow. So what I suggest or encourage is that you use it for good. You use it for helping others, for making the world a better place. for helping us, for having us come together as one, as one family. Because if we all have the same mother, then we're obviously all the same family. No matter your sex, no matter your color, no matter your orientation, no matter anything. We are all brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, husband and wives. We all have some sort of relation to each other. So appreciate it. And take that into consideration whenever you're speaking to Mother Nature, when you're doing this technique, because I'm telling you, this is a very powerful technique, very powerful technique. I've used it many times and I've gotten many things from it. It happens very quickly, very quickly. Just connect, be calm, connect with her. Ask what you look for, seek what you desire. Tell her, be honest with her. You know, and even if you feel like your intention isn't the purest, ask her to purify your intention. You can get pretty meta with this. So go, go try. Okay, so here's the one last little time. I'll tell you the technique again so you don't have to go back and play it. So bookmark this. Go outside, find some grass, it can be dirt, can be sand. Find the ground, rub your hands in it, kind of in a circular motion. You can play with it, have fun. Rub your hands and speak to her as if you're connected and telling her what you need, what you want out of life. Tell her what to be or tell her what to send you. I need so and so. Be happy, be healthy. Those are easy ones. Live long, lucrative life. That's another easy one. Enjoy life. Enjoy every moment. Enjoy every problem. become more and more calm. All of these things are very good. And I'll just leave this with that warning again, that just beware of your intention. Cause you'll get it. It doesn't matter your intention. I think this is another thing. The spirituality gets spirituality. Community gets wrong is they think that your intention determines whether or not you get something and it does not. There are very evil people in this world and they get what they are looking for because they ask for it. So don't be afraid to ask for the, what you desire. You deserve it. A hundred percent. You deserve it. And the fact that you desire it means that you probably need it for the next thing in life. There are many times in my life where I've gotten something and then realized that this was just a stepping stone to the next thing that I wanted in life. And so slowly, slowly, you'll start to come out of the illusion, if you will, and see the bigger picture. And I think that's the goal at the end of the day, right? Is you... get these things and you kind of start leveling up if you where maybe it's a new watch. Maybe it's a spouse and you'll keep energetically raising to the next level. Okay. I have money. Okay. I have my spouse. Now what? Okay. I have kids. Now what? I have a great house. Now what? And you kind of have to play that game. So take inventory of what step you're on. Take inventory of where you want to go. Understand. that it's okay to ask for whatever it is you desire. Whatever it is you desire, can ask. Just be aware of your intention when asking for it, because that's what's going to determine your karma. You can ask for a million dollars, but are you asking for that million of dollars? So you can use it to help feed hungry kids, or are you asking for that millions of dollars because you want to create famine? You know, you can do it both ways. But one of them is going to create karma that you... Well, I'll leave that up to you. I think we know which karma we would prefer, right? So be happy, be healthy, enjoy, enjoy. You can try it with meeting me even. You could even say, I wanna meet Clayton, I wanna meet Clayton in the 3D. Because I know if you try this, I know if you try this technique, we will meet in the 3D. But in the event that you aren't ready yet to meet me in the 3D, I know for sure that we'll see each other in the sixth dimension.

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