Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri

Indigo Education: Music | Ep 280

Clayton Cuteri

This episode explores the impact of music on our lives and suggests that paying attention to the type of music we listen to can lead to a less stressful and more harmonious life.

Clayton encourages listeners to be conscious of the lyrics and energy of their chosen songs, as they can influence their reality. The episode also emphasizes the power of music in reprogramming the brain and suggests listening to uplifting and positive songs to create a more peaceful and loving life.

Listen to Pure Love Songs Playlist on Spotify HERE

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00:00 - Introduction: Exploring Spiritual Journeys and Indigo Education
02:04 - The Impact of Lyrics and Energy: Shaping Our Reality Through Music
04:05 - Reprogramming the Brain Through Music: Creating a Loving Life
06:03 - Conscious Listening: Choosing Uplifting Songs for a Peaceful Reality
07:36 - The Power of Music in Creating a Harmonious Life
08:01 - Conclusion: Sharing the Positive Impact of Music

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exploring spiritual journeys to find answers in uncertainty. Welcome back to another episode of traveling to consciousness. As always, I'm your host, Clint, Terry, and in today's podcast, we're jumping into an Indigo education piece. Now music might be something that you've thought of before. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Maybe you've been conscious of it. Maybe you've been unconscious. But this is a spiritual education podcast as well as a political one. So I do want to get back to some more indigo education because I feel like having given you guys a lot of that recently. And, and this is actually a very, very powerful one and a very easy hack into having a less stressful life, having one that's more flow, more harmonious, more beautiful. And it's as simple as paying attention to the music you're listening to. And I know that sounds so simple. But you'd be surprised at how much we don't think about it. We subconsciously pick what music we listen to, whether it's terrible stuff that people do, right? Stuff that I'm even don't want to repeat on here from things like rap songs tend to be a big one. You know, I'm sure there's plenty of country songs too with that are very depressing lyrics. There are a plethora. I mean, look at all, most of Taylor Swift songs, right? It's all being depressed about a guy. So. Here's what happens. And I have a solution for you. So don't worry. But here's what happens when you're subconsciously connecting to these songs and even consciously, right? If you're consciously singing these songs, you're consciously singing the lyrics, you're inviting that energy into you. You're making a contract with that energy and agreement to invite that energy in. So if the song is all about how some guy destroyed you, if it's all about how... you know, terrible things happening to family members. You at a physical level invite that energy in. you're creating it subconsciously and you're resonating with a frequency. And if that's the type of life you want, I mean, by all means go for it. It's a free world. Free will is a thing, but you should be aware. And I think if you're listening to this podcast and if you've been listening to this podcast for a long period of time, you're one of those people who is trying to pursue a less stressful life, one with more meaning, one with more purpose. And the best way you can do that is listen to the type of music that creates the reality that you want to experience. So for example, I have a playlist and I'm going to link it down below. call it pure love songs and I listen to it all the time. Now you have to be careful with love songs because sometimes you'll find love songs where we'll talk about how much they miss the person and how life feels like it's dull without them. These aren't the type of love songs you should try to focus on. I'm talking about the ones that are positive, that are uplifting ones that make you feel inspired internally to be a better person, to live a better life. These are the type of love songs that someone who is trying to pursue a life of calmness should put on, should listen to. because music has an even more amplifying effect. Now, I'm not going to go too deep into music theory because I'm not a music theory expert, but for my times of DJing, I do know that there is rhythm and there's pattern with, with songs and with musics. And usually they repeat every 16 beats. And what you have to realize is this repetitious pattern creates an imprint within your brain, within your psyche, within your neural network. So in order to, how should I say, reprogram your brain, you need to pick other things to focus on. If you're programming repetitiously, negative things, fear, things, stress, things, sad things, your subconscious, your neural patterns are going to pick that up and create that reality within your environment. So my suggestion is, to listen to this playlist. Now there are many genres of a songs in this playlist. It goes from like dance music to EDM to there is a Taylor Swift song in there. So I'm not trying to just bash all of Taylor Swift. I know she has some good ones as I have placed inside this, inside this playlist. But you'll notice as you connect to the music, as you connect to the songs that they're very uplifting love songs, that they inspire greatness, if you will. So I know it's something that might seem trivial and basic. but it is certainly something that should not be overlooked. So I deeply encourage you to examine the lyrics of the songs that you're listening to and especially the ones you listen to frequently. And again, I want to reiterate, if you want to be depressed, that's your choice. But the reason that you're here, I have a feeling you don't want to be depressed. You want to live the best life possible. You want to live a stress free life. And so one of these ways, the into education way around music is to focus on the type of music you want to be around. You know, I know there's nature music where they just play essentially nature songs. nature relaxation. put a couple of those in this playlist. There's some that have positive affirmations. Feel free to skip them if you don't like them. But at the core of it is connecting to the reality that you want to live on a daily basis. And this knowledge just is not, it feels like it's known. Like, I feel like I'm not really saying anything new, but it might not be something that people are consciously aware of that they're consciously making these decisions. So I want you to be consciously aware. want you to realize that you have the choice and this could be a very powerful choice and putting you on a more harmonious and more loving and more peaceful route in life. So I suggest give it a shot, try listening to this playlist I have for a week or two weeks and see how things change in your world. Notice how the world feels a bit more beautiful, a bit more light, a bit more fun. So give it a shot, let me know what you think. send a DM, reply, leave a comment underneath this with maybe your favorite song on the playlist. Leave a comment with your favorite song. and let me know how this changes your perspective. And if you share music with someone, share this podcast, because that's the best way to help this podcast grow. And here's the deal. If you don't listen to the playlist, if you don't share this podcast, then we're going to have to have a talk about it whenever we see each other in the sixth dimension. you

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