Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri

Odyssey #098: Max Lowen - Speaking Out Against Satanic Rituals and MK Ultra | Ep 284

Max Lowen

About Max
Max Lowen, a tri-lingual global citizen and survivor of satanic ritual abuse, helps others heal from trauma through her work in recovery and her show Unbroken. She educates on topics like child trafficking and the global control system, advocating for individual healing and awareness as paths to collective freedom. Max is writing a book about her life and developing a trauma training protocol for survivors, while passionately advocating for children as humanity's future.

Recording Date: August 29, 2024

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00:00 - Introduction: Preparing for The Podcast
03:06 - The Tactics of Division and Control
08:30 - The Horrors of Satanic Rituals and Child Sacrifice
17:10 - The Global Satanic Cult: Running the World
24:23 - Speaking Out: Exposing the Truth
33:12 - The Concept of Oneness and Divine Connection
35:08 - The Distortion of Religion and the Use of Trauma and Fear
41:11 - Mind Control and the Manipulation of the Political System
01:05:05 - Empowering Ourselves to Create Change
01:06:06 - Navigating the System and Protecting Livelihoods
01:07:29 - Creating Alternative Structures
01:10:25 - Radical Personal Responsibility and Self-Work
01:13:48 - Reconnecting with Divinity and Unlocking Psychic Abilities
01:19:04 - Manifesting a Better World through Visualization, Feeling, and Action
01:29:29 - Trusting Oneself, Finding a Mission, and Coming Together

Intro/Outro Music Producer: Don Kin
Super grateful for this guy ^

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When We Die Talks explores life’s biggest question: what happens when we die?

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exploring spiritual journeys to find answers in uncertainty. up conscious monkeys welcome back to another episode of traveling to consciousness as always i'm your host clanky terry and in today's podcast we have a a rather unusual and... Seemingly unique story. The history of Max Lowen. Now in our podcast today, I do give it like a little bit of a brief emphasis, if you will. An intro that we might be talking about heavy stuff now. The stuff that we talk about, I can't say that it's as heavy as I've seen her on other podcasts. So if you want to go deeper and maybe this is a good way to put it, it's like if you really want to go deep into her story and hear the the things that she's been through, you got to go find it on another podcast. This podcast, in my opinion, I think it does a good job of getting like more of like a high level overview of Max, her opinion, her views on the world just based on how she was brought up. Now, with that being said, I know I've listened to a lot more podcasts of hers. than the average person. And so I know I'm to have her back on in the future. So what I would really appreciate is if when you're listening to this, let me know or take notes of like what more questions you would have because, know, whenever I do these podcasts, I kind of get into this almost flow state of like trying to feel where the conversation is going and asking like the most intuitive thing that comes to me. because I know there's times where you hit an intersection and there could be like 20 different questions to ask. And I just have to pick like the one that I see as being most prevalent. So whenever I'm going through this, when we're going through this podcast, I would really honor it. And honestly, I think it would benefit other listeners of this podcast. If you were to just take a note on like what we're talking about and then your question that you would ask her. And then we'll bring her back on the podcast and I can like read off those questions because I know like this story is very unique and unfortunately it's not one of a kind, it's, it's, it's not something that you hear every single day. So I encourage you to listen to it with open ears, see what you can learn from it. And hopefully we can all learn something together because I want to hear your perspectives on it. And then like follow up questions of like, okay, like what validates this? What proof is there for this or that or this or that? So please let me know in those regards and I appreciate you all. And again, I know this is a heavy podcast because we do get into some very dark stuff, but again, I think it's very important to understand that these elements do exist within our world because just turning a blind eye to them does not make them go away. As a matter of fact, it makes them worse. So please, if you can stick through it, I believe in you stay calm and I'll see you on the other side of this podcast. What is up conscious monkeys. Welcome back to another episode of traveling to consciousness. As always, I'm your host, Clanky Terry. And in today's podcast, we have the amazing, the incredible Max Loewen with us. And before we jump into this podcast, make sure you're grounded, make sure you're calm, make sure you're relaxed because the information that we're going to talk about in this podcast is very, very jarring to say the least. It might be some of the darkest things that definitely have been ever discussed on this podcast, but even the darkest things that are probably happening on this planet as a whole. And I just want to make sure that that's very well cleared. I think if I don't know how people listen to this podcast, but if you listen with kids, highly recommend you listen to this on your own before, you know, putting this out there to anyone else. So just want to make that known, make sure you're checking internally to stay calm to the best of your ability. And with all of that being said, I think this is a very important information to be out there. Just to be aware, you know, understand that it's what's happening, understand that there is a way past this. And I think Max does an excellent job of discussing those types of things, but we have to understand what's happening in order for us to get to a better place. So with that advisory out of the way, Max, thank you so much for being here. It's truly an honor to have you and I can't wait to dive into your story with you. Thank you so much. It's an honor to be here. So I think it's always difficult to know where to start with these things, but maybe the best place to start is, you know, what, is the first memory you have of, kind of being a kid? Like what was the life you were born into? that, that started this roller coaster of a, of a journey. give me a sense. What, what are you exactly? I'm not sure what you're asking me. What, go you've, yeah. So maybe you've done, you've done a lot of these podcasts, right? What do you feel like is a great starting point for people to maybe be aware of before jumping into maybe the, the, to get a sense of maybe where you've been or, to set a groundwork for the conversation we're about to have. So, you know, speaking of maybe a first memory, I have a memory of before incarnation, where I was actually at some kind of meeting with other beings. Some looked human, some didn't. And the Earth was being discussed, this planet, what was going on here, the spiritual war that's been going on here. between good and evil and that things were not going well and you know a strategy and I remember volunteering to come here and to come into a body and to be here. So even from a very very young age I never forgot that I always did have a sense that myself and many of us have purposefully, maybe all of us have purposefully come here. And, you know, it's an experience in form and a body, but, you know, this planet and humanity and really all life has been in trouble. And so many of us came to, you know, I think people have a misconception about what it is to be spiritual. You know, the new age, which is a program, it's like all love and light and unicorns and you know, Just don't look over here. You know, don't pay attention to evil. Well, that is convenient for evil. it can flourish that way. Being to me, being spiritual is being a warrior and coming here to do our part, each of our parts to make the situation here better. And I don't think anyone can deny today that the situation is pretty dire. Definitely, definitely. And, and I think, you know, There's a lot of things that come to mind with that, right? We see the, the mass amount of wars that seem to be carrying out and, even myself, right? I've, I've been to, think 13 or 14 countries at this point and, everywhere I go, everyone seems amazing, beautiful, loving people who treat you with the warmest hospitality. Everyone's great. Seems like a great time. Of course there's bad areas, you like, you know, not to go down dark alleys in certain cities and whatnot, but it always kind of struck me as strange where You you're not supposed to like people from a certain country of a certain ethnicity and always kind of seemed like a you know if you will a general narrative that kind of gets flushed out there so is it is that kind of what you're touching on where there's almost. This divide that keeps occurring on this planet. Yeah and the the dividing us humans is intentional right and let me say I grew up in five different countries I've been to many many more. People are good, you know, we were humans, we have a heart, we feel each other, we help each other. Any natural disaster, everyone runs out to help the other person, right? That's our true nature. So it's not about us, people, we only actually have one common enemy and it's the people that run this planet, it's the authority figures, it's the people at the highest echelons of every industry and structure on the planet. And so they create these programs to divide and conquer us. It's a war strategy. If we're divided against each other, then we're not strong and we're not realizing that we only have one common enemy, which is them. So we're taught, you know, to consider, I call it otherifying, right? So in World War I, they discovered that men who went to war had trouble killing people. because it's not a human thing. don't want to do that. We feel each other, right? So they enlisted the help of psychiatry and they sort of had to come up with programs, mind programs to assist, to make humans more amenable to killing other humans, right? And so it's this concept of seeing someone as other. So I call it otherifying, right? And so, you know, the Reds, the Japs, the commies, you you create this way that people can see another human being as a monster, as so different that they're, you know, that then, and it did work. by World War II, that had that transition had happened and people were more easily programmed to kill. And then of course, if you just look at TV and movies, I mean, how many acts of violence starting with children's cartoons? are thrown at us constantly, constantly. It's just, it desensitizes. It makes everything normal. So yeah, we're programmed to hate each other based on these engineered differences that don't really exist. I mean, we're one human race, but we've been taught to fight about race, about gender, about sexual orientation, religion, class, like you name it. There's some category. where we're supposed to be opposed to each other. And, know, in the last few years it was whether you took injections or you didn't. they're, they're always coming up with new categories, but you know, we, hopefully we shouldn't, we shouldn't fall for that because we are in a war, but we only, the only common enemy is them. It's not each other. We need to unite actually. Yeah, that's, that's so true. And, even deeper, I'm thinking not even deeper, but at the same level, I used to run and work on military, like RPAs or military drones. So I was a software engineer and I kind of started, you know, was in the kind of just creating the software kind of detached from what was actually happening. And I remember kind of seeing that, you basically it's kind of like how video games were programmed, right? It is you have someone in a facility that's Thousands of miles away from the drone that they're operating and then they just send a simple command and you can wipe out a large number of people very quickly and it you know, it almost creates that detachment even further right because I mean World War two like you're talking about you had to be face to face and Even if you want to go back further a big thing I saw was is Like back whenever they had you know, they were fighting with swords majority of the time you wouldn't even most of the people wouldn't be killed like it would be decided pretty quickly which side would kind of run in fear because they didn't want to be killed or you know the way it was working like it was a very psychological war and it seems like as technology is improved let's say or advanced there's been even this more divide where you know you have these different layers that kind of get put in place between the human experience of well that's one other person and then this is me and so I guess you know what you know we kind of go to the next layer of this, right? And what you've experienced, like what's there to gain from this? if it's the people, as you said, the people running this world, people in high powered positions, like what do they gain by having us hate each other based on sex, gender, ethnicity, know, color of our skin, whatever it is. Like what's the goal there? Like why does somebody actually want people to be hateful and kill each other? Well, the goal is control. And so if we're doing okay, and if we're healthy, and if we have, you know, full use of our minds, then we're harder to manipulate and control. So they have an agenda. And so essentially, it's about control. You know, just additionally, it from what I know, from growing up, the world is run by Satanists there are pedophiles and of course their psychopaths, right? So they do sacrifice children and to Lucifer to the dark and so they actually do derive pleasure and it's they they enjoy and do So death is is a sacrifice to them. This is something that they do and it it brings them all kinds of things, including, you power and all of that. And so when you when you talk about that, you know, I'm talking about things I've seen, like babies and children being sacrificed, like underneath way, way, way below in the subterranean levels of the Vatican. But you can look at global things as that war is a sacrifice of lives. Right. If you inject people with with biological weapons, that's a mass sacrifice too. If you poison the food and the water and the air as they do now, and people die from that, that is also a mass sacrifice. So these people are doing these kinds of things to us in a variety of sneaky hidden ways as well as outward ways. you know, with wars, wars are started and funded on both sides. by the people behind the curtain. Okay. So they, they operate the planet like a chess board. Okay. I'll do this here and this year for this agenda or for that agenda. So, I hate to say it, but that's who these people are. So besides complete control, it's, it's, it's, it's how they operate. was something I know my, my guru taught me very well, which was, and I kind of knew it, but didn't realize it until he said it outright, which was he was saying how Like even the United States or like specifically like the CIA or massage or MI five, all of these like goofy agencies that they'll fund terrorist organizations to like cause this divide. And I guess I didn't never consciously knew that, but then he started telling me about it. was like, this makes sense. Like why would, how do, how do these terrorist organizations have military equipment and whatnot? And then, you know, you have the fast and the furious with the Obama administration. And then I think it just came out that the government, the U S government mistakenly is what they said or accidentally gave $250 million to the Taliban. And, you know, like on the outside, it just seems like, okay, like, is this an accident? the way you're putting this is that, and I'm inclined to agree is that they're doing this on purpose to create this division, to create this hate. mean, 9 -11 is another good example, right? Is we were told to hate Muslims, hate all Muslims because, you know, they could all just be potential terrorists. At least that's the brainwashing I know I was exposed to. But something you, you, guess, put in there, right, is, the idea of satanists and pedophiles, right? this was an idea that I guess I was initially exposed to in, in college. And I, I didn't really fully understand what was being said, but I know, there's a couple of people I think who have touched on this. The one that comes to mind the most would be like Alex Jones, because he, he talked about this a lot with like Bohemian Grove. And again, you know, he had video footage of it. He was even interviewing a Senator, I think at the time who is still in the, in the, what, in the close to the white house. I don't know if he's in the white house, but he's, he's a high ranking official and he, he essentially acknowledged, you know, everything that Alex Jones said as being true and kind of like, like lambasting Alex Jones for being there. of course he hasn't been a hundred percent correct, but, those, those base level things, right? This idea of a satanic cult, pedophiles that are running the world. Like, I mean, I guess in your experience or like, You know, I guess I don't have any personal experience. It's kind of all hearsay to me. how do you know that that is what's going on behind the scenes here? Yeah. Well, let me answer that, but let me just quickly speak for a moment as to what you were saying about the CIA and the Taliban and the terrorist organization. So the C all intelligence agencies, CIA Mossad, you know, all of them work together. Okay there really one global intelligence agency with different branches. And i would say that the cia is itself the number one terrorist organization on the planet. they create these. Different so called terrorist organizations in different places around the world but it's all run and funded and orchestrated. behind the scenes by the very CIA. So I just wanted to kind of put that out there so that people understand. It's a good point. It's not a accident. Probably someone found the funding and so they had to explain it. But you know, like right before 9 -11 when I don't know how many trillion dollars went missing, you know, these all go to these black ops behind the scenes that fund all of these kinds of things. Okay. So I just thought I'd just mentioned that before we move on. It's a good point. Now to your question, I do have, unfortunately direct experience. so I and many children with me were trafficked. and I was trafficked among the kind of the high level, what I'm going to call what they call themselves elites. Right. And for me, it was through the Vatican. So it was more in Europe. but I have friends who have survived trafficking and have been trafficked through the White House and throughout the US. And really it's a global operation. so the people that, so the trafficking can have many forms. You can be given to someone, I've been taken to people's mansions and kept there for as long as they wanted. Sometimes it's parties. So I've been taken with other kids too. in cages to certain these beautiful luxurious parties and mansions and you know that myself and the kids were dressed up and it's it's it's boys it's girls it's different ages it's different races because pedophiles have their preferences and then we we would be just brought into the party and selected you know okay i'll take this kid i'll take this and you know then raped or tortured or whatever they want to do Sometimes there would be parties outside in places that had grounds. So land, know, trees and the and they're they're they're hunting parties. So the kids are either naked or dressed in certain costumes or something. And it's very fun for them. I want to kind of set the stage. There's drinking, there's drugs, it's festive. And then the kids are supposed to run and hide and then they get hunted. Sometimes there's dogs, sometimes not. And then when kids are found, they're raped and tortured and a variety of things. And usually at the end of these parties, there's always like a big buffet table and a child, at least one child would be sacrificed. I hate to scar you by telling you this, but I have witnessed myself human babies be killed and then cooked and brought as the main dish. If you've seen the opening ceremony of the Olympics where there's like a, you know, the silver dish covering that's open and then there's a blue man or whatever they're, they always sort of tell us what they're doing. So that's a way it's spirit cooking. They're telling you that the human is the main course and this is actually truly real. So there's things like that. There's all manner of, I have through the first 18 years of my life have been, and many other children too, basically served up to or bought or in some way given to these people as you know, sexual toy for them to use at will. And I don't want to name names specifically, but what I can tell you and you can insert names right here yourself. Anyone in any high level in anything like hot top layer of religious institutions of the education institutions, the medical institutions, the mega corporations, the high levels of the media, of the entertainment industries, the military industries, et cetera. anyone that's in, of course, politics, presidents, global agencies, okay, people who had these big global agencies. These are the people that participate that I have seen. in these parties and that are, raping children and sacrificing them and eating them. Wow. I guess this brings up a, mean, first of all, wow. Like I don't think there's any words that I could put to that until you even do it any justice. mean, what, guess a big question that really comes to mind for me, right. Is if they're at this high level of power and this is what's going on behind the scenes. How are you able to speak so freely about this? there like some, some, some sort of contract or something that's going on? Like, like, it seems to me, this would be type of information that they would want to squash. They wouldn't want to let this type of information out. Or is that, is that somehow a part of this agenda? Well, they don't want this information to get out. And so for myself and many of my friends who have survived satanic ritual abuse, you know, they have done everything to make us, you know, either make us dysfunctional, make us not able to survive what they did give us like, so throw so much at us that we would never like heal ourselves, we would never step back into our power and we would never open our mouths and speak out. So for example, so these people know psychology, they know how to program people's minds. This is something you may have heard through MKUltra or other such programs. And so like most myself and most of my friends that I know that have survived this, for example, as one example, have had a suicide program put in us that if we speak out, we should commit suicide, right? So when I was in therapy and when I was speaking and telling these things, I was incredibly suicidal to the point that I would drive to the train station, I would get up on the platform and this overpowering feeling in me and voice would say, jump, jump, jump. And I wouldn't, but then the train would come by and then I'd wait for the next train and I would fight it enough that then I would leave, get back in my car and go home. Right. So that's one example. So these of how they would try to keep me and others from speaking out. Then, you know, there's the pretty classic technique for anyone of discrediting people. Right. So. In movies and in Hollywood, they portray Satanism as like chanting and robes and you know, like it seems silly. It seems ridiculous. So then they, they, they kind of know that most people out there to still today. We'll think no way you're crazy. You're making it up. So the credibility factor is another thing that they rely on that we won't be believed. Well, you people just think we're nuts. There are things like I have been banned from YouTube and Vimeo. so we get, you know, myself and others who speak out, we get harassed, you know, in different ways. And we know full well what that is. And, you know, but I'm never going to give up. So, and people have said like, what if they kill you? And I have said, well, then I will go down and my mouth will be talking until my last breath. mean, You know what else is there I didn't survive all of that. To sit in the corner rocking and sucking my thumb you know I'm going to do what I can. To speak out because see Clayton children right now as we're talking. Are being raped are being trafficked are being. Put through horrific satanic rituals which I can describe more of those if you want but so it's you know it's just. And probably also like in my case, I mean, I have, you know, my platform on broken dot global. I've interviewed a lot of people and I like to. I really think it's important to say that what happened to me individually is being done to us on a a similar level collectively to wake people up to the fact that basically this global satanic cult cult runs the world. But you know, maybe my. And I have a lot of people who know about me and follow me, but maybe I'm not big enough really at this point to be, you know, super for them to invest a lot of money on. then frankly, right now, these people are going down. We're in a time of major transition. There's much more light coming in, which is why all of these things are being more and more exposed. Like people are seeing more and more. So I don't know that they're going to bother with people. I mean, they can't go after everyone, right? So, you know, I do know that there was an airplane with 62, I think, doctors in Brazil who were going to blow the whistle on the bio weapon injection and, you know, describe, you know, what it really, what's behind all of that. And that plane was, you know, crashed, right? whistleblowers have come and gone and then they are they commit suicide you know i mean we know this goes on so they do do this but the last thing i'll say is i think that many of us it's it's we're in this time right now in this war where i think that judgment thing in the bible is happening now it's like which side are you gonna choose are you gonna choose good morality are going to operate from integrity or are you going to choose what's easy and comfortable and go to the side of evil and you know for example take money to do harm to other humans so i feel like those of us that have chosen that path are we have some divine protection you know we all do you know and i certainly know that i've had that i mean as crazy as it sounds with what i've been through i've always felt divinely I mean, I'm alive and I'm here. So I that answers your question. It's not like one answer. There's just a lot of components to it. definitely. I mean, I've noticed that with so many different topics that it seems like there's a ton of different answers or reasons to why things happen. and especially powerful things like this. in, and divine protection, I guess, was probably a part of that answer that I was thinking about as you were saying it. And so, right, if these are global satanists, right, they believe in satan, the energy of evil, the antithesis, let's say of God or of Jesus. And then you're also here saying that you believe in Jesus and divine. I don't think you said Jesus, but divine at least. So, guess if the satan has to exist, then that would mean that if the people who run this world believe in satan, then that would also mean that they believe in the opposite of satan, right? Which would be God or I mean, Jesus is the first name again that comes to mind, but let's just say God. so like, are you, I guess, do you believe that, but they control the church. So like, how do we unpack that? Like, is it, is the Bible real? Is it not real? Is Jesus real? Is he not real? If the people controlling this world believe in Satan, like what's your experience with that? Well, yes, they do. so that you can see, like if you call it the source of all life, then what they align themselves with is the anti source. Right. So everything that they do is I mean, and these people do they have a hatred for I'm just going to loosely call it God. OK. The word can be loaded, you know, I am not in any way religious because I from what I've seen and what I know, religion is also a program. It distorts that divine, that creator, that God, and it changes things and it twists things. So for your question, the Bible, like everything, it contains a lot of true things, and then it contains the distortions. Right? The best way to mind control is to have things that are true in the program and then add some things that, you know, kind of twist things around. So, yes, I do believe in, I don't even believe I know in there is a oneness, a creator, a God, a light that is everything. Right? And I, the way I see it, Every single life form, me, you, a cat, a tree, water is an expression of this divine. So it's how God knows himself or herself. It's not even a gender that's beyond gender, right? But is through every life form. So through my experience and my consciousness, through yours, through every life forms consciousness, We're all one, we're all from that divine energy, right? And it's experiencing itself through each of us. And that's what people mean when they say, you know, we're all one. We are, and yet we're separate. It's kind of an illusion, but we have these separate, seemingly separate bodies. Although if you actually were to look at us with technology that shows our energy fields work, my energy field and the person next to me are overlapping, you know? So that's not even really, really true. Matter is, you know, it's an illusion, but we're here to play the game in this way. So of course I know that that is the case. And, you know, in some respect, these stories in the Bible are sort of true in the sense, and, you know, we're anthropomorphizing, you know, but let's just go with that. So yeah, Lucifer, turned against God, right, and wanted to be God. And so the people that have run this planet at the top of that pyramid, they want to be worshiped as gods. And so, you know, that's the inversion, you know, and everything is inverted, everything that is of God, they want to completely invert. And this is why, you know, they particularly go for children because a baby and a child is the closest thing to God. So even in raping a child, it's a, it's an F you to the creator, right? it's also a stealing of life force energy. So keep in mind when, when let's just say in the story of Lucifer, when you go against God, These people have severed their connection, right? They've turned away from it. And so they don't have that connection to the life force. So it's kind of like the sun and the moon. The sun has its life force energy and the moon has a light, but it's a reflection of the light of the sun. So you can say the dark has its false light, but it's a reflection of the true light. And actually, as they tell us in movies that's a form of disclosure like morpheus says to me in the matrix we are there batteries they use our life force energy. Through us they create this hell on earth reality so hell and heaven are places. Their frequencies their levels of consciousness right and so these people are going to create a reflection of them. here on the planet, they still do it through us, which is kind of the bad news, but kind of the good news. Because if it's through us, we can change this, you know? And really the big secret they don't want us to know is that because we are connected to God, we are actually inherently more powerful than they are. Wow. And that must drive them crazy. Yeah. And so then I guess the next layer of this, and this kind of comes back, I guess, to the whole CIA terrorist situation, right? Is what's coming to mind is I know like in 2009 in Sri Lanka, they had a Buddhist terrorists. And I remember reading this story. I didn't know about it till maybe like six months ago, nine months ago, but like Buddhism, in my opinion, or what is taught is like life is sacred. Let's have peace, know, never they don't even kill like ants or whatnot. But then there was Buddhist terrorists going around and I think like over a hundred thousand people, like brutally murdered, they brutally raped. and I just couldn't wrap my head around that. And so this seems to be kind of like what's coming back to what you're saying of this, stealing this energy. So is it every religion that is, I don't know how to articulate it is, is every religion evil? Is it possessed by evil? Like what, I mean, what are your thoughts on? I guess connecting those two dots. Well, I know this is a very, you know, touchy subject because people, you know, they go to their churches, whatever that is. And again, humans are good. Okay. So human beings, when they participate in a religion or worship or go to church, they are trying to cultivate and honor that relationship with the divine. Okay. So. I'm not taking that away at all. I'm just saying that the way it's set up is set up to actually cause a rift between us and the divine, know, primarily, you know, and more most obviously, by by creating this idea that God is something outside of yourself, right? When it's actually inside of us, it's it's, it's the essence of us, right? It's I mean, we're a where body with a soul in so that's kind of tricksy on their part you know they are saying that god is this thing out here and then you know god has certain rules and in the bible like everything like everything there's many true things and real things and then there's many distortions but if you look at. the Old Testament, you know, God is jealous, God is wrathful, God demands a sacrifice of your firstborn. Like, no, that's not God, people. That's Lucifer, that's Satan. Okay. So, so I have a problem with religion because it's, and again, it's not the people's fault who participate in that religion. They don't know this, but here's the Vatican as an example, right? And so they're supposed to be, you know, the, the center of the Catholic church. And you know, if you've ever been to the Vatican, mean, my God, it's beautiful. The architecture, the art, you know, it's it's it's incredible. But way underneath that beautiful structure are these rooms in the subterranean levels. And, you know, one of them that I've been taken to many times contains a big altar, marble altar where they bring in children and sacrifice them. OK. So what is that? That's not of God. so the Vatican is masquerading as a good place, but really underneath, underbelly of it, they're doing horrific, horrific things, right? And then you have to look at things. So see, like I said, we're the sun, they're the moon. They have to harvest our energy, everything's energy. So they have to harvest our energy. So for example, they have the ritual of communion. And I know this has gotten me, people mad at me for saying this before, but you know, I'm just going to say it. You eat the body and drink the blood of Christ. mean, that's what I saw them doing with real humans. Okay. So it's put into a ritual. People unknowingly participate in this ritual. It's a satanic ritual. It's harvest, you're putting yourself and your energy into this. you're like funding it. Okay. For them, they take that energy. I have a friend who is a survivor, within the Mormon church and I've interviewed her on my platform and she talks about how, as they do these, you know, they have the people worshiping and whatever, and then right underneath, on the level below, they're doing some dark rituals, so they're harvesting that energy. If you go to Mecca, where that black cube is, that black cube is a satanic symbol. Unbeknownst to the worshipers, when they circle it, they're creating a vortex of energy that's being siphoned off and that's being used For ill remember they have to use our energy what that's why they have sports games in the stadiums the stadiums are designed as energy harvesters and conductors you know and then you get. know so it's center etc so that's the problem with religions is that they distort the divine having said that i'm not saying you know i'm not taking away the true. intent that people have when they are going to the church the churches to pray and that doesn't mean that the priests and local churches aren't good people and aren't trying to do good and it doesn't and many of these congregations do really good things for the homeless or for each other or you know so they're really beautiful communities so i don't i want to be very careful not to demonize that but yet explain that when it's from the top down, these structures, they're designed to separate us. Actually, it's like put themselves between us and God is here. We, us and God are connected, but they insert themselves in the middle, right? And then they use our energy for dark purposes. So I hope that answers your question. Definitely, definitely. And I know going back to my mentor again, you know, that was something that he was, teaching about as well was that it's not necessarily the people, but more that they're possessed by certain energies. Right? You talked about communion. told me about that, which blew my mind. And the more I thought about it, I was like, wow, like there's truth there. And he went even to the level of talking about like the symbol of Jesus and dying on the cross, how he's unconscious, his face is bloodied, he's nailed. you know, and he was saying like how you're, giving your energy to the entity that did that to him. It's not going to him as everyone thinks. And, you know, this kind of touches on, I think, programs that you were talking about earlier, which is it seems like there are a lot of physical world programs that we unconsciously go about, right? Whether it's, you know, praying to Jesus on the cross. Maybe there's, I haven't heard about the stadiums. I'm not sure how that works, but, but it doesn't surprise, let me put it like this. It doesn't surprise me that there are different patterns of energy that physically kind of get laid, if you will, that create this like distortion as like physical humans. So, I mean, I guess maybe we should touch on those programs, right? And you brought up MKUltra and my understanding, right, is that they were just giving LSD to people and trying to program their mind. I guess I agree at the same level of like, okay, there's programming here with like TV. Right. They tell you something over and over again, and eventually gets into your mind that this person's awful. It's the Democrats fault. It's the Republicans fault. Right. Like you hear that enough times you start to create it as truth. maybe if we take a step back to MKUltra and like mental programming, you hinted at that. And I think you even said that it's a lot more than just, LSD being given to people. So, kind of like what, what's going on with programs? How do we identify programs? How do we break programs? Or at least let's start at the first part. How do we identify programs that are of like this demonic nature? Well, the first thing to know is that, it's, it's, it's, it's everywhere. We're all programmed. We, we are, we are in a culture. The word cult is included in that word, right? Never noticed that. There's individual like me and people I know have been individually programmed MK ultra. Then I'll explain that. And no, it's not just LSD. That's what they have, you know, told the public and no, it never stopped either. It still goes on to this day. But let me tell you, so there's collective programming too. So it's the use of trauma. So they understand psychology. If you throw a trauma at a human being, it overwhelms them. What it does is you shatter, you dissociate, you fragment. This is at one extreme what a multiple personality is, right? The person had so much trauma, split into different people to hold the trauma so it doesn't kill them and destroy them. So these people know how the mind works. So they use trauma and then the person, you know, you know, when you're in shock, you're blank, right? And then that's the state where you can put programs and you can put any program in. And this is the technique that they use. So I'll describe on the collective. Around world right around the end of world war two. For example the tavistock institute was created right and it was kind of a marriage between psychiatry military the eugenics movement. they in their like mission statement they say that their goal was to create a one world global government and full control of humanity and how are they gonna do that they were gonna use future shop. Okay, it's so they have done that wars, things like 911, which are deliberately done, know, you know, pandemics, violence of all sorts, even scarcity, you know, all of this, even the poisoning of us in various ways. So it's a shock. And then humans are, you know, and then they put in all the programs that they want. And they know that fear is very, successful because of the way the human brain is set up. When you're in fear, you know, it's the reptilian, so -called reptilian brain, and it's programmed for survival. So if there's a threat, you go into fight or flight, or if those are not available, freeze. And in that moment of the danger, let's say you're, you know, as a big scary animal in front of you about to eat you. This part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex shuts down because thinking takes too many seconds, you'd be dead. So it's a reactive brain. So you just react, you you fight or you flight or, know, if you can't do that, you freeze. And so they know how the brain works. So they also use fear. So mind control, it's, it's repetition. If you repeat the same lie over and over again, people are going to believe it. Then you introduce fear. You so you dissociate you introduce shocking things that are you know that are you know overwhelming the person and then so it's like. It sort of paralyzes the person and then they're very easy to program the subconscious is right there so put the programs in and on an individual level you know what with MK ultra and things like that. They do this to us. They have done this to me and people I know as children. you know, it's, you know, you're forced to watch them painfully murder another child or an animal or, you know, you're raped or, you know, there's horrible tortures, electric shocks, you know, being buried alive with dead bodies, you know, being waterboarded, all these extreme tortures. And then they what that what happens is the child is is you know goes into that state. And then so it's a blank slate and then it's called they call it alters right so then they program the altar so that's how they create super soldiers honey pots you know if children have psychic abilities though they'll use those abilities or create like an altar that can be. a psychic assassin. know this sounds like a movie, but I swear to God, this is real. And so that's what they do with an individual, but they do this collectively, as I just said, to all of society as well. So it's the use of trauma and shock. It's the knowledge of how the brain and the neurology of human operates. It's a knowledge of how to program someone when they're in that state to and then with the alters you know that they have inserted in many people as children through these techniques. There will be a front personality in the b these trained alters but they won't you won't be aware of them so for example you know these lone wolf assassins that have killed like jfk or whoever. There supposedly just crazy random guys who went shut no. They're MKUltra. They're programmed to do a task. But then because of the way the programming is so well done, there's a trigger word or something that makes them go do what they've been trained to do. But then afterwards, they're not going to remember it because it's in a different altar. So they genuinely can never say who told them to go do these things. So do you think that's what's happened with - rabbit hole, I know. Definitely a rabbit hole. you think that's what happened with this recent with president Trump recently? Well, yes. you know, if you want my opinion, I think that was, orchestrated, you know, so, but if the person that doesn't mean that the person who, allegedly fired the shot wouldn't have been MK ultra. Yes, he probably absolutely would have been as any of these people are. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Wait, so you think it was orchestrated in the sense that he was probably exposed to like one of these MK Ultra programs before doing that? Is that what you were saying when you said orchestrated? Well, so I know it's not, I guess it's like, you know, it's a little bit of a fuzzy. It's just, I'm curious what your opinion is. I know it's not going to be factual. I might be unpopular for saying this with your audience. I don't know, but see. We're also one of the programs we're all subjected to is the savior program. There's always somebody that's going to ride in on a white horse and save us, but see these people behind the scenes. at the level of politicians and presidents, there's people behind them who run them, who give them orders. So the, the left and the right are really wings off the same bird. Okay. So there's no good guy at that level. They're just actors and they're playing scripts that they're given. these powers that be their psychological operations are very complex. Okay. So they will create the boogeyman and they will create the savior. Okay. It's, again to keep us. So these, these kinds of psy ops are to keep us from not. stepping into our power and not doing anything. as an example, I'll tell you like the Q thing. That's a Saya. Okay. So the Q is saying all these true things, okay. Because their audience are people who are awake to a certain level. They're awake to the mainstream BS, right? So they're going to say the truth, but there's going to be a twist. So the twist is trust the plan and do nothing. Wait for someone to come and take care of everything. And it's disempowering. Okay, so and somebody said to me, no, that's not possible because they're putting out all these things. Why would they tell people all these true things? And I pointed out to them, the masses that are mind controlled into believing the mainstream will never believe the queue anyway. They'll think it's crazy conspiracy theory. The programmed mind will not let in what it's not capable at their level of consciousness of letting in. So They can say all the truth they want in this level of Q because the sheeple, as some people call them, will never accept it as truth anyway. They'll reject it. It's part of the programs, part of the mind control, right? So that's designed for people who've already jumped to a higher level, but then they're going to be kept from going to a higher level by the Psyop in that bit of truth, right? So unfortunately, I'm just going to say, you know, this is my perspective and my opinion. And I'm okay if people disagree, you know, I think we all need to form our own opinion, but I don't think there's anyone good in that system because that system is designed and owned by these cult people. See? So, you know, there it is. I've said it. It's okay. No, it's, it's, It's very interesting. And I think that's always something that I've kind of like looked for maybe whenever I've looked at politics, if you will. I know there was a, I don't know how closely you follow politics at all, but I, I always try to see if there's like someone who just like at least brings some sort of light, if you will, right into the mix. And I know one of the people who I was like a big fan of was Thomas Massey. I don't know if you are familiar with that house representative. He's from Kentucky. He, like was proposing like legislation about like clean air, clean food. He was talking about stock market trading. He went all the way to going on Tucker Carlson where, and I don't know if this kind of gets into the spiritual aspect of it. definitely does. But I would be also, maybe this is another case study that would be interested in your opinion on, he went on Tucker Carlson and started talking about like stuff that was sort of pseudo behind the scenes. like, for example, He was talking about how everyone has like an APAC person with like Israel, who kind of feeds them information of like what they should sign and do. And after like maybe two weeks after this podcast, his wife passed away in her sleep. And it was like, you know, he went on Twitter, said there was like nothing inconspicuous, like no one broke in, you know, to me, something always just kind of felt off there. I was like, well, the timing of this and. the things that you're proclaiming, like there has to be something here that I'm missing or like a mismatch of energy, if you will. So is it, or it's, is it like, and I guess this is like a theory I'm just coming up with here, but is it like the, the soul somehow like his soul would somehow know what actually happened there? Like, and they're controlling that at like a soul level and there's like some sort of agreement between them that he isn't consciously know of, or am I going like deep down just uncharted territories here? Like I said before, there's good people, okay, good people go into politics, good people go into medicine, they don't know that Rockefeller created the alopathic medical system to poison us, slow kill us and profit off it. They think they're going to help people. There are politicians, there are good people who go into politics to make a difference, right? And so The problem is when they speak up and when they want to actually do something good, that's against the higher level agenda, things will happen. It's entirely possible. I don't know this guy, but if he were to have strayed and tried to do something that they didn't want him to do or say, then they would just kill his wife as a little warning. And there is technology that we don't see, trust me, there is. Way more advanced technology than we're told exists. There is technology that can give a person a heart attack or a brain stroke or an aneurysm. There's many, many ways that they keep their people in line. So I would just point that out. And then, like you said, this person's like, want to pass legislation for clean air and clean water. And this is the problem on the planet. People are like, well, we should have this. The people at the top are polluting the air and polluting the water and poisoning and GMO-ing the food and making us sick on purpose with the pills and the shots and everything, right? And the electromagnetic frequencies, you know, it's always escalating. That's bio warfare right there. So, you know, maybe the solution would be stop doing all of this. then we wouldn't have to clean anything up. sometimes it's, it's, it's, that's why nothing ever improves. Cause there's good people who address issue A or issue B or issue C, but with no awareness that the people up here are causing these issues. Right. So that, that's the frustrating part. Like, and we can make a difference, but the, the, the, people at that top of the pyramid are throwing all these things at us. And then good people are trying to. you know, fix it, but you know, it's like trying to plug a, you know, a tsunami with, you know, a little hole with your finger in it. I mean, it's difficult. Definitely. So like, have you, I mean, I'm assuming you've put at least some thought into this, right? As if there's all these people with massive amounts of political power, monetary power, influence. And I'm sure this even spans over to other industries than political, probably entertainment industry, music industries. I mean, we just saw P Diddy. he, that's a whole rabbit hole in itself that I'm sure, you know, he was involved in this as well. How do you, I mean, is there any thought on how you change the system? Right? If you, know, going back to this before life memory, have, you volunteered to put your hand up. You volunteered to, to come here. I assume that there has to be some sort of bigger plan to, to fix this system. Is there any, memories you have or any? sort of implication or thoughts you've had of how this, how this gets fixed, how we put, let's say, good people in charge and leadership positions. Yeah. I mean, that's a big question, but so on one level we have help. Okay. We have divine help. have beings of light that are helping because what goes on here on earth from my memory and understanding this planet is pretty critical. It's almost like a nexus planet. So what happens here? affects other portions of the universe and that's why there's so much help, right? So there's that level of it. We have help. The other answer to that question is, if you think of the pyramid, who's holding these people up at the top up there? It's us. It's that bottom layer. Okay. And like I said earlier, they do all their dirty work through us. And for one thing, that helps them avoid karma, by the way, because if we're doing it to ourselves or each other, if we're the ones doing the harm, we incur the karma and they don't. they get human, like, you know, Bill Gates isn't going around, you know, vaccinating people, you know, these people aren't flying the planes that spray the chem trails, they aren't beating people on the street who are peacefully protesting. They're not going to fight in wars themselves, see? So it's humans that are enlisted to do their dirty work. you know, if for example, I mean, I'm sure you're aware, it's a whole nother topic, but I'm sure you're aware of the extremely sexualized agenda for children now everywhere, including in the school system, right? And by the way, I consider that sexual abuse because if you put that inappropriate level information to a child whose brain is still growing. is extreme. You know how harmful porn is, right? So it's pornography aimed now at five -year -olds in kindergarten. So as an example, you're a teacher in any one of these public schools. Walk out in mass, say, I'm not going to teach this because this harms children. And I took an oath to educate children not to destroy them. If you're in the police, and again, people go in for good reasons, they wanna serve their community, but then if you're being given orders to beat up like what's happened in the UK, to beat up and jail people who say, oppose migrants raping children, stop beating up your fellow humans. Stop following orders that are harming your fellow humans and you know it, you know. Don't let the little girl sell lemonade at a stand because she doesn't have a, like, what the hell are you doing? Stop it. Don't do it. Say no. Don't go kill other people, women and children in other countries, because you're told to. If you're a doctor, don't accept large bonuses, large amounts of money, per how many vaccines you give, knowing full well that you're harming people. you know etc there's every single human that obeys the orders of these people and creates harmful content i who's who's piloting those planes that are spraying you know aluminum and barium and parasites and all kinds of stuff on us and and and on nature somebody has to fly those planes right so what are people doing that's really the answer The biggest answer in my mind to your question is we need to stop consenting and complying with psychopathic orders that harm us and any other life form. Without us, they can't do anything. They need us to execute their hell on earth orders and we just have to stop doing it. Just say no. I mean, that's where our power comes from. There's billions of us, there's a few million of them, and they can't do all of this. They need us to do it for them. And sadly, know, humans are amenable to being bribed and given money and positions and titles and power and will do horrible things for those worldly things. And that's where the morality comes in. You know, we're in a war between good and evil. Like, what's your side? And yeah, people say, well, you know, but it's my, it's my job. But if everyone said, no, I'm not going to do it, there's nothing that they could do. If everyone had said, I'm not going to lock down my business. That's my livelihood. Nothing would have happened. It's the compliers that then make it make, make the issue, you know, and then everyone watched the big corporations and the richest of the rich gained trillions of dollars during that period where it was just another wealth, you know, transfer up. So, we're allowing this to occur. Do you see what I mean? Yeah, I do. And even at a deeper level, I know I started kind of rereading and maybe rereading actually starting to learn the US constitution. I know they brushed over that in my education system. And I, like in the very beginning of it, it says that, you know, to the effect that, you know, government is only there by the consent of the people. And I think that's a big piece that you're touching on here, which is the consent of letting these things happen. feel like where this kind of gets difficult, right? If I'm putting myself in the mindset of someone who is a teacher, a doctor, you know, so much of our, our world and economy even is just based on money, right? Like you need money to survive. You have to have money. So how do you, how do you find that balance between or How do you encourage yourself even to find that balance between like not consenting, but at the same time, you know, protecting your livelihood. Like, I feel like that might put people in a big, you know, speaking of fear as well, puts people in a very strong place of being afraid. Yeah. And that is really the most difficult thing, what you're naming because these globalists, this cult have infiltrated and gained control of everything. Your paycheck. water, the food supply, everything, right? So they've really been very, very clever the way they've set the whole structure up. And so they actually do have full control. And we have already been in a one world government, obviously, because you saw the response of every country to this supposed pandemic. They all instituted the exact same, you know, that never happens in reality. That tells you there was a one world government already. So that is a very very good question and I'm not saying it's easy But we I think have to come up with creating The structures that are are created to harm. They're created in such a way that you know, we're controlled So we have to kind of there's no use in fighting that I think we have to go and create new things So like if you're a teacher and yeah, you have a paycheck you know, maybe get together with other teachers and with parents and create your own homeschooling kind of school, you know, so the parents maybe don't have to do the teaching, maybe the teachers, they, you know, you can hire them and in a community and create like an alternative. And this is contrary to the top down global thing. This is up from the local level up, right? So you create something new, you create an alternative, you know, so if the If the fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides as they are, and then, you know, get together with people, get some, buy some land, start to grow or grow your, mean, you need like a little bit of a plot to grow enough to feed even just your family. What if, you know, people grew stuff and then another person had some chickens and another person had a couple of cows for the, you know, raw milk, which is so good for us, which they don't allow us to have. And then kind of it goes back to community, to helping each other. Like, I'll do this, you do that. You know, someone who has studied medicine, you know, I mean, they're not trained completely properly. They're not trained in nutrition deliberately because that is the single most, you know, important thing in our health. But, you know, if you have any skills as a doctor and you realize that, shit, the system I'm working for is evil. You have a choice. There's always a choice. Okay, I'm going to go and you know, maybe that person leaves their license behind because they control you through the licensing and then you're part of that system and just says, Hey, I'm here in the community. I'll come to your house. I'll do house calls. I'm a physician and, and, you get with another couple and you just start to do your own thing outside of their control and their system. Now it's scary. because we've been conditioned to think that these people out here who call themselves authority figures get to tell us what to do, have the right to tell us what to do. I mean, that's essentially slavery. We're slaves if we think that, right? It's not easy, okay, but to stand up in your integrity and your morality in this war, is anything ever easy in a war? No, it isn't. We're in a war. So which... Where do you want ultimately look at the bigger picture? Do you want to be, I mean, we're already slaves, but do you want to have your lifestyle even more reduced as they're telling us you will own nothing and be happy? I mean, they're telling you what they're going to do next, right? Like, is that the life you want? Or is or do you want something else? Well, then we have to work towards that something else. So it comes back to us. And we what we have going for us is the divine. I think when you begin to do the right thing, you get assistance. It's like, energetically, you create like this opening for others then to do that and to follow. And then it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, but somebody has to have the courage or some people have to have the courage to just go there. It's really hard. not saying I have all the answers, but from what I have thought of now, it's Go out there and just start to do it differently. Use your skills. you know, if they decide to control us to turn off the grid or the transformers and you're trained in that, go turn them back on. You know, pretty simple. It's not easy. It's not easy, but can we, and I mean, like you're doing or like I'm doing, you know, put out truth. the media is exist to brainwash people and propagandize. Well, now there's a lot of people who are using media to spread truth and hope and optimism. So whatever your skill set is, use it. We can create a different world. We're going to have to, because I think in this war that they're actually losing and going down. And so when one thing comes down, something else has to be there in its place. And if you Think I, you know, this sounds overwhelming, right? But I have seen it over and over. There's a, well, I call them unnatural disasters, because, you know, there's weather warfare, but these things happen. People somehow with no authority figure telling them what to do, run out and help their fellow humans. There's housing, there's clothing, there's food. We know how to do this stuff, okay? So. I mean, it's not a complete answer, but I think we really have to also start brainstorming how, you know, I think your question is, kind of open ended and deserves a lot more thought than the little bit, you know, that I can, that I can answer. Yeah, definitely. But I think you did a great job there. mean, I think a huge element of that is, is that piece of, let's say having that confidence to move forward, you know, so You know, we're kind of laying out how quite frankly, bleak, terrible the entire system is that we're living in right now. But what I've come to realize is that it means that there's a tremendous amount of opportunity that just lies, you know, within our fingertips as well. And it seems to me, you know, going back to me being a software engineer, right. And using my skills, my abilities for the industrial, the military industrial complex isn't the best idea. You know, I mean, You can take that route if you want, but it's playing into that same system that you're talking about. And instead directing my skills where now I'm actually working on a, a platform called Amara, which is going to be a social, which is a social media app. And so it's like a combination of, Instagram, Twitter, has blogs, recipes, exercise routines. We're about to do like another UI update, but you know, you want to talk about programming, you know, our ethos is essentially like letting truth come out, you know, we'll. Well, ban speech that is, essentially like, you know, if you're being mean to somebody else, like, yeah, we shouldn't do that. Or we'll at least limit it in the algorithm, but like allowing, you know, truth to come out, I think is very powerful. And, know, you're experiencing the amounts of, let's say blocks with like the current social media platforms and, and to your point, right, taking on that monster of, another social media app, another this it's like, well, you know, start taking the same steps. And if you're, going, it seems like if you're going down a path to bring more of that light, more of that divinity into this new area, the more you'll be guided to new people. So like for us, you know, we started with almost no money, pretty much no money. got one investor at like $20 ,000, but you know, in a couple of years we were able to create this, you know, create an app. It has a lot of improvements. Don't get me wrong that needed, but I think to your point, right, to get back to that meta thing is, is, know, like how can you provide this? You know, coming back to your education piece, so many of those books, I mean, I'm sure you've seen the Instagram videos of, how they're sexualizing kids. I mean, it's, you know, it's. Anti -human at the very least. And it seems to me, you know, if we were going to break this down, cause I really had a struggle like figuring this out, right? Cause like at some point you have to teach people about sex. And I think where I kind of landed on is like, you know, you need to protect the innocence of kids. So, you know, there's probably a biological thing and I go to puberty. So probably once you're hitting puberty, probably just after puberty, so like 14 to 16, it's probably a time you should probably start introducing the idea of sex, what your body's going through. But you do that before then, you're gonna completely destroy their innocence. They'll get confused, they won't know what's right, what's wrong. Is it okay if I play with the person of an opposite sex? Is it not? this what sex is? And so you create that illusion or that struggle within them which feeds the... You know, as you're putting it feeds Satan essentially. And so I think what you're saying here, right? Even though it's as bleak as everything is, it seems like right now those who are willing to take the risk into that unknown or at least set a path in the right direction, they'll find people, right? I'm sure if you go around the community and say, Hey, you know, I quit my job. I'm no longer going to teach these evil ways that are being taught within elementary school or middle school. And I'll teach the community just, you know, toss me like 10 bucks per kid or something. You know, I don't know what the numbers will come out to, but I'm sure you would be greatly rewarded for those actions for, you know, doing things in a way that benefit, you know, humanity as opposed to things that are contradictory to our human instincts. Yeah. Yeah. And, know, with that, and absolutely there's a, there's an age appropriate time to teach everything. But you know what they're doing with this agenda is they're grooming children. They're trying to normalize pedophilia because they're pedophiles. OK. And if you've seen it out there, I think I don't. I'm sorry, I don't even learn the names of these people, but the guy who's the VP for the Democrat side in Minnesota got. Yeah, he passed legislation protecting pedophiles. You know there's a organization called them so minor attracted persons it's like no. No and they say over about love not raping a child is not about love at all like please don't you know what is where in this age of or wellian language right where everything is. You know hate speeches is or you know misinformation is actually true or you know it's all backwards so. They're trying to normalize among other things that they're trying to do they're trying. to normalize pedophilia. has been one of their agendas for a long time, for as long as I, you know, I'm 60 years old, for decades, I've known that, and they groom humanity little by little by little by little. So if you look at like the 40s or maybe even the 50s, you know, it was different. Sexuality was different. was more sacred. Sexuality is a great thing, you know, but they've... drip, drip, drip, socially engineered it into the way it is today. It's normal to hook up. You don't even know someone's name. You have sex with them. It's satanic. It's not that sex itself is wrong or bad, but the way that they have transformed it from something that has multi -dimensions, it's physical, it's spiritual, you know, in a healthy way, they've rendered it very distorted and unhealthy today deliberately because that's their way of doing it, right? And so we have to just be aware of these agendas and they've gotten people today to consider, you know, things that are kind of depraved and not healthy as completely normal, right? And so that's where it's really important to look at. So I have always looked at my own programs, you know, what are my mental programs? What are my emotional programs? What are my behavioral programs? You know, What because when I worked on myself a lot, I mean, I've had to like what triggers us activates a program. And then we that's why people react when they're triggered there. It's it's there's something in us already that gets activated. And then, you know, we react. But most of the reaction and the energy behind that is from some original wound. Right. So we need to go in there and clean ourselves up. We need to figure out where we're distorted in our thinking, you know, in our emotional reactions, whatever. So again, that's where it's, I love radical personal responsibility. If you're going to change the world, start with yourself. It's the only way you're ever going to do anything. It's, start with changing yourself. That's really the only thing that we have control over. So clean yourself up, find out, you know, what makes you You know, even your clean up your body, you know, stop eating processed crap and fast food and anything toxic. Stop getting drunk all the time or using drugs. Go exercise, go out in nature, sleep enough, meditate, get, we need to get our, our temple, our soul, our mind back from all this crazy, you know, traumatized, negative that we've been given and take ourselves back and we can do that, we can do that. And then what happens is when you get yourself back together, you step into your power. We have abilities. We're actually telepathic. We're actually self -healing, okay? We're creators. We're made in the image of our creator. We are creators. If we have been used as batteries create this hell on earth reality, we can change that and create a heaven on earth reality. We have this ability, we've just been convinced that we don't. We've been convinced that we have to look out here for someone to tell us, you know, the priest has to tell us how to connect with God, the doctor has to tell us how to heal our body, you know. We need to sort of take ourselves back because we do have the power. especially then we take ourselves and put ourselves together and then we join with each other. Forget all those divide and conquers where one human race, let's get together in a community. Okay, what do you need in a community? You need some clean food, you need someone to, you know, I guess, teach your children, you need some clothing, you need some energy to power things. Like, how can we go about helping each other and getting these basic things that we need going for each other. See, these psychopaths understand psychology. And there was a psychologist called Abraham Maslow and he has this hierarchy of needs, right? At the bottom, you need shelter, food, water, and safety. And you can't really go to the higher levels of yourself if you don't have those basic needs. Hence, we are in a planet where We have to work, work, work and struggle to put a roof over our head and food in our mouth and we'll never feel safe. And like that's deliberate. If you look at nature, it's in balance. It doesn't operate in this unnatural reality that has been created for us. So they keep us in survival. Okay. So that we don't rise to our fullest potential. And actually I love David Hawkins map of consciousness. Go Google that. He shows how certain emotions are survival emotions and they're like a bandwidth of frequency. And then at the very top of the scale is like love and peace or whatever. So I think it's just a great visual. These people keep us in this survival frequency so that we will never rise to our true potential. But if we do, I don't even know what we could create and how quickly we could create it. I think we could. I think we could change this world in a second if enough of us are at that level of consciousness and have done our inner work and come together. I think they're scared of that. And that's why they poison us and divide us and keep us in low consciousness. Think about it, Clayton. Why would they go through so much effort to poison us in the electromagnetic field, the food, the water, the medicines, you know? the propaganda thrown at us. Why all of that? Because it's who we because we're this powerful like they're not doing all of this, you know, unless they have to and they have to because they have to keep us down here because they know if we get to that full potential, it's game over for them. So I think that's what we need to focus on doing. Forget them. Let's work on, you know, ourselves. I love that. I love that. I mean, it probably wouldn't take, you you're talking about how there's like a million of them, you know, there's 8 billion of us. But I, know, to me, it seems like almost there, we wouldn't need that many people, right? I mean, it would almost create a domino effect, right? You and I are having this conversation, you know, five, let's say five people, it's not going to be five people, but let's say five people hear this conversation and it awakens them up a little bit, right? It creates this like chain reaction where they see five people, they see five people. And then it will just snowball from there. I, mean, I love it. I, I'm all on board. think that's very, very doable at, you know, in the physical layer. And then I think even, you know, I want to kind of bring it back to this because you brought it up again. You mentioned earlier about, you know, how they would target people who had psychic abilities. And then you brought up telepathy, telepathy being real as well. I guess in the most blunt and curious way, like how do you know that these psychic abilities exist and are innate? Are they innate within all of us? it just people? Like how, do you know all of that? They're innate in all of us, but they've been, you know, suppressed or, or, or dumbed down. know it because I have been able to retrieve some of these abilities. So to be telepathic, it's, it's not so mysterious. It's not like I can read your thoughts. It's. And you know this, if when I describe it, you'll go, I'm actually telepathic. We read each other. We're all like a billboard because we're energy. So everything about us is there in the field. And if you know how to read it, you'll pick it up and you'll talk to someone and you know, you just know things about them. You feel them. It's also like, you know, if you've ever walked into a room and there's been a couple that have been arguing, but then they stop when you walk in the room, you feel that argument. You feel that energy. If someone that you know is in a bad mood, they don't have to say a word. You're like, better stay away from them today. You know, I mean, it's all readable. It's all there. And we're all psychic. It's psychic. It's like it's in it's that inner voice. It's that connection to the divine. How many times have you in your life? Have you like about to do something and you just know you just hear this voice like, no, don't go down that alley or no, don't. You know or whatever it is you you just you get a download you know what thing it drives you to a certain action that then later you look back and you go wow like that was divinely. Let me that's the other thing that the psychopaths don't want us to do they don't want us to connect to our divinity. And you can live life. Like in a 3D world, which is the way they want us to live, or you can live life in a 3D world being guided by your divine higher self or God, right? And you never lose when you're connected to that guidance because you can see it as a higher part of yourself as God, whatever is giving you this information all the time that you need in the moment that you need it. That's being telepathic. That's being psychic. It's It's receiving that guidance it's feeling and knowing another person it's reading another person right. And at some level civilizations that are at higher levels of consciousness that we are right now here. And i have memories of being in these places so that's part of it too. You can't lie anymore at some point so with words you can like you can say something that isn't true and somebody will hear the words and believe it. But when you're at that higher level, you can read everyone. So you'll be able to completely read an energy that's a lie energy versus a truth energy, right? And so for myself, I have this thing in my body where when I hear a truth, it's like a bell rings inside me. Like there's a certain feeling. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about too, right? You just know, but we're trained not to trust that. Okay. So we need to recover that back. And then we're so distracted and stressed and ill. If you weaken the body and you keep a population sick, their mind isn't going to be very strong. And then they're not going to be very connected to their soul. So it's all about disconnecting us. So we need to reconnect. So really, to reconnect with your divinity, you need to restore your body as much as anything else. So these religions that say, like, the body is is lesser web. No, you're living in this body. It was given to you by the creator. It's you know, take good care of it. It's housing your consciousness in this dimension. It doesn't mean your consciousness doesn't exist in other dimensions without a body. But, know, we're here and the New Age program, which is a satanically created program, wants to disabuse us. I hate that program because it's like it encourages people to spiritually bypass. And it's like, no, we're in this grounded reality. We have to be here and deal with what's in front of our faces. Right. Yeah. I fell for that program pretty hard for maybe the first two years of this podcast. My journey was, you know, from that, from that place to kind of just like, okay, like what's going on here? Like, I'm going to like, almost like pull out of the physical, if you will. Right. Is All right. Like renounce material stuff or announce material objects. And I, you know, luckily I eventually found out that that's, know, one of those programs you're talking about of, know, you, get to the next layer and then there's another program there that is like almost blocking you from the next layer. And then it's just like, there's extra ones piled on top of each other, if you will. And so, I mean, you know, it's, I think that's a very powerful one that I've seen through my now three years of having this podcast is. It seems like there are a lot of very spiritual, very intelligent people who still like will espouse, money doesn't matter. you know, these things don't matter, but then they're charging $50 for, you know, their courses. And I'm like, you know, to me, I always kind of was like, what's, what's going on here? Like something's off. Like if it doesn't matter, then you should give me a for free. no, you should be above it, but I need $50. I'm like, it jarred me. like, what's going on here? That's a really good point that that's there's hypocrisy everywhere, you know, but we're sometimes we don't see it. But yeah, no, absolutely. We live in a reality where the energy exchange, it's all about energy exchange. You know, it's called currency because it's a current rate. Money is is what we have to work with right now. And I think, again, more advanced civilizations, we we will probably get to a point where money doesn't even exist. You know and we can manifest anything and everything we are creators right but that ability has been down and work and we're captain stress you know when you're stressed you can't be your full self so but yeah right now we live in a place where we need this you know this money or some kind of exchange right and so you know when things kind of deteriorate i mean. What did we used to do not that long ago, even a hundred years ago? I mean, we bartered, you know, I, I'll trade you this for that or whatever. That's still an exchange of energy. There's always ways to do this, but yeah, these spiritual people, know, they charge, forget $50. They charge like $5 ,000 for, know, but even this concept of, and I fell for the new age program in the beginning too. mean, we grow through programs. I fell for the feminist program too, you know, You think something is good. mean, I mean, I'm very embarrassed to say this, but you know, when I was much younger, I fell for the liberal program too. Like I thought that they were good people doing the right thing till I realized, my God, no. So, you know, that's okay. We're all, like I said, we're all deep programming, you know, one level at a time. you know, if it, Hey, it's pretty easy. It would be easier for me to put on a robe, go to the top of a mountain and meditate eight hours a day. But. Am I helping the real world? I helping actually the situation on the ground, this war that's going on? I mean, yeah, maybe with some kind of love and light, but you know, that's easy. That's that's that would be a lot easier than fighting here on the ground. And actually, we're in matter. We have to do things. There's there's action that needs to be taken, you know, and the formula for manifestation is an intent. A visualizing of that thing that you're trying to create. So let's say we're trying to create a new earth, right? A better world, a heaven on earth. It is important to know, okay, this is what I want to create and to visualize it, like to imagine ourselves there. Imagine, wow, like the sky is blue and the food is nutritious and children are running around and they're playing and they're safe. know, whatever we want to imagine of this new world, that's step two and then step and feel it, feel like, I've got this, we're there. We can do this. And then, but then you have to take that action in the 3D world. What am I going to do? Even one thing that I can do towards that goal. What can I do and what can I join with other people to do? Right. I love how simplistic that is, right? Visualize where you want to be, feel where you want to be taking action that goes towards that. Yeah. It can be that simple. and I, I'm looking at the clock. see we're running close on time and I have so many more questions. I want to know about these past lives. I want to know about the psych abilities more, but it looks like we're running close on time. so I just want to wrap this up. Max, I am beyond grateful for you being here. I know we didn't get too much into the things that happened in your childhood, but I just want to put it out there for people that if you want to go find those things, there was, are in a ton of other podcasts. first one that comes to mind is masters of self. by Rachel Fiore, her podcast, which is very solid. Great person as well. So go check that out if you want the horrific, we didn't get into it. I gave people the prep, but we didn't get into it. you know, the divinity has its own way, right? Max, thank you for being here. I do want to give you the time if you want to promote anything, leave final words for the audience. So this is your time to speak to the audience as you wish. Thank you Clayton. Yeah, thank you for having me. You know, I do these podcasts because it's just, it's my way of trying to make a difference. So I have a website called unbroken .global and there's actually a lot of interviews of me where I tell my story under Max interview. So you can go to that tab. So if you want to know more about what I went through, you know, I have described it when people have asked. I also interview other people. people who expose different parts of the cult and how it operates, people who are healers, who are teachers, who suggest things, practical things, ways forward that we can do, ways we can heal ourselves. And then I am, you know, myself, I'm a psychologist, I'm trained in trauma. I work with people individually. So that's there on my website under services. If you wanna, you know, look me up and need my assistance. So that's me. My content's also on Rumble, BitChute, Brightion. I just created a sub stack. I love to write and I have a bunch of articles that are actually on my website, but I'm gonna start writing on sub stacks, so that's coming soon. I'm going to create a class on trauma, what it is, how it affects us and how we can deprogram ourselves and kind of Restore ourselves to our full potential. So that's coming too because we all need that, you know and What I just would like to say is you know trust yourself you are a Piece of God on this planet Your life is not meaningless. You're here. You came here to do something to be something so heal yourself put yourself back together and find that I call it my mission. Find your mission. You know, how can you help? We're all in this together. Stop falling for the divide and conquer. Come together yourself, come together with others, reconnect with the divine. It's a winning formula. And we've got this. The dark is going down. It's just, it's just very tumultuous as they go, as a beast dies, you know, it's just thrashing about. And so don't, don't. attached too much to the negative know what's happening but focus on what we want to create what we want to go towards because as this thing dies it's now up to us there ain't no saviors it's up to us to grow up and to save ourselves and to come together and we will create just ourselves can make a way better world than the one that we are currently inhabiting easily so You know, just, just, I want to lead people with that, with that hope. Cause the most powerful force for us in the universe is love. I love it. Let's end it on a positive note because that's, there's definitely bright, brighter days ahead. So Max, thank you so much. So, so much for being here. was a pleasure and honor. Very appreciative of your wisdom and thank you for being here. Guys seriously go check out her stuff. It's very, very fascinating. negative connotation, but fascinating stuff. So with that being said, thank you guys for tuning into this transmission. And if I don't see you in this reality, then I know for sure we'll see each other in the sixth dimension.

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